

Author Commit Date CI Message
Etienne Samson 132f2ce0 2018-03-22T23:27:33 docs: change Docurium input directory Most files under `git2/sys` have their includes prefixed with `git2`. Since Docurium exports its input headers in a temporary directory without the `git2` prefix, all those headers fail to parse.
Scott Chacon 96da90ae 2011-06-15T09:38:55 update examples content to be compilable and up to date
Scott Chacon 2e6d8ec4 2011-06-14T15:15:11 fix the example urls
Scott Chacon 388f37b3 2011-06-14T09:27:46 add examples for docs
Scott Chacon 742e3fc9 2011-06-14T08:17:53 replace stupid doxygen