

Author Commit Date CI Message
Etienne Samson 351ca661 2018-08-14T21:26:14 ci: Correct the status code check so Coverity doesn't force-fail Travis Otherwise you get something like Emitted 525 C/C++ compilation units (100%) successfully 525 C/C++ compilation units (100%) are ready for analysis The cov-build utility completed successfully. Build successfully submitted. Received error code 200 from Coverity travis_time:end:14cf6373:start=1534254309066933889,finish=1534254728190974302,duration=419124040413 The command "if [ -n "$COVERITY" ]; then ../ci/; fi" exited with 1. travis_time:start:01ed61d4 $ if [ -z "$COVERITY" ]; then ../ci/ && ../ci/; fi travis_time:end:01ed61d4:start=1534254728197560961,finish=1534254728202711214,duration=5150253 The command "if [ -z "$COVERITY" ]; then ../ci/ && ../ci/; fi" exited with 0. Done. Your build exited with 1.
Edward Thomson 6b92368c 2018-07-28T22:29:53 ci: run coverity from travis's cron Instead of trying to run coverity builds during the regular PR process, run them during a regularly scheduled cron process. These only need to run nightly, so it makes sense to bring them out of the PR process.
Edward Thomson 24b8dd82 2018-07-27T12:31:32 ci: move travis to the new scripts