diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 84cca62..766793c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ FONTSIZE = 8pt
MD = \
bsd.md \
+ pandoc.md \
railsonlisp.md \
diff --git a/pandoc.md b/pandoc.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9322b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandoc.md
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+Thomas de Grivel <thoxdg@gmail.com>
+# Pandoc
+## Introduction
+### Pandoc
+Conversion between documentation formats
+`pandoc -st beamer -V theme:Warsaw -V fontsize:8pt -o test.pdf test.md`
+### Supported formats (1/4)
+Lightweight markup formats
+ - Markdown (including CommonMark and GitHub-flavored Markdown)
+ - reStructuredText
+ - AsciiDoc
+ - Emacs Org-Mode
+ - Emacs Muse
+ - Textile
+ - txt2tags
+HTML formats
+ - (X)HTML 4
+ - HTML5
+ - EPUB version 2 or 3
+ - FictionBook2
+Documentation formats
+ - GNU TexInfo
+ - Haddock markup
+### Supported formats (2/4)
+Roff formats
+ - roff man
+ - roff ms
+TeX formats
+ - LaTeX
+ - ConTeXt
+XML formats
+ - DocBook version 4 or 5
+ - JATS
+ - TEI Simple
+Outline formats
+ - OPML
+Data formats
+ - CSV tables
+### Supported formats (3/4)
+Word processor formats
+ - Microsoft Word docx
+ - OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT
+ - OpenDocument XML
+ - Microsoft PowerPoint
+Interactive notebook formats
+ - Jupyter notebook (ipynb)
+Page layout formats
+ - InDesign ICML
+Wiki markup formats
+ - MediaWiki markup
+ - DokuWiki markup
+ - TikiWiki markup
+ - TWiki markup
+ - Vimwiki markup
+ - XWiki markup
+ - ZimWiki markup
+ - Jira wiki markup
+### Supported formats (4/4)
+Slide show formats
+ - LaTeX Beamer
+ - Slidy
+ - reveal.js
+ - Slideous
+ - S5
+ - DZSlides
+Custom formats
+ - custom writers can be written in lua.
+ - via pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex, pdfroff, wkhtml2pdf, prince, or weasyprint.
+## Beamer presentation
+### Standalone beamer presentation
+`pandoc -st beamer -o test.pdf -f gfm test.md`
+`-st beamer` : produce a standalone beamer document
+`-o test.pdf` : output file
+`-f gfm` : input format in Github flavoured Markdown syntax
+`test.md` : input file
+### Sample markdown for beamer
+Thomas de Grivel <thoxdg@gmail.com>
+# Pandoc
+## Introduction
+### Pandoc
+Conversion between documentation formats
+### Supported formats (1/4)
+Lightweight markup formats
+ - Markdown
+ - reStructuredText
+### Latex output
+`pandoc -st beamer -o test.tex -f gfm test.md`
+Produces test.tex in LaTeX format.
+### PDF output from LaTeX
+`pdflatex test.tex; pdflatex test.tex`
+Produces test.pdf from test.tex
+### Conversion from LaTeX to Markdown
+Convert LaTeX beamer slides to Markdown source format :
+`pandoc -st gfm test.tex > test.md`
+Warning : tweaking of generated Markdown files is needed.
diff --git a/pandoc.pdf b/pandoc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d490ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/pandoc.pdf differ