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+Rails On Lisp
+Thomas de Grivel <thoxdg@gmail.com>
+# Common Lisp
+## Introduction
+### Common Lisp
+Common Lisp is the programmable programming language.
+Lisp essays by Paul Graham
+Standardised in 1994 by ANSI
+Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
+Common Lisp Hyperspec
+### Common Lisp
+Several compilers implement the ANSI standard :
+ - SBCL (open-source, x86, amd64, Windows, Linux, OSX, \*BSD)
+ <http://sbcl.org>
+ - ABCL (open-source, jvm)
+ <https://abcl.org>
+ - Clozure CL (open-source, x86, amd64, Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD)
+ <https://ccl.clozure.com>
+ - ECL (open-source, compiles to C)
+ <https://common-lisp.net/project/ecl/main.html>
+ - LispWorks (proprietary, x86, amd64, Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD)
+ <http://www.lispworks.com/products/lispworks.html#personal>
+ - Allegro CL (proprietary, x86, amd64, sparc, Windows, Linux, OSX,
+ FreeBSD)
+ <https://franz.com/products/allegrocl>
+## Installation
+### Install SBCL
+Ubuntu :
+ sudo apt-get install sbcl
+MacOS X :
+ brew install sbcl
+### Install repo
+mkdir -p ~/common-lisp/thodg
+cd ~/common-lisp/thodg
+git clone https://github.com/thodg/repo.git
+cd ~/common-lisp
+ln -s thodg/repo/repo.manifest
+### Configure SBCL
+Edit `~/.sbclrc`
+ ;; ASDF
+ (require :asdf)
+ ;; repo
+ (load "~/common-lisp/thodg/repo/repo")
+ (repo:boot)
+### Launch SBCL
+ $ sbcl
+ This is SBCL 1.5.3, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
+ More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>.
+ SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
+ It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
+ BSD-style licenses. See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
+ distribution for more information.
+ * _
+### Install Slime
+ * (repo:install :slime)
+ $ /usr/bin/git -C /home/dx/common-lisp/slime clone https://github.com/slime/slime.git
+ Cloning into 'slime'...
+### Configure emacs
+Edit ` ~/.emacs `
+ ;; Common Lisp
+ (add-to-list 'load-path "~/common-lisp/slime/slime/")
+ (require 'slime-autoloads)
+ (add-to-list 'slime-contribs 'slime-fancy)
+ (setq inferior-lisp-program
+ "sbcl")
+ (setq slime-net-coding-system
+ 'utf-8-unix)
+## Demo
+### Launch emacs and slime
+ $ emacs
+ M-x slime
+ CL-USER> _
+### The REPL
+REPL : `read`, `eval`, `print
+ (loop
+ ;; setup REPL vars
+ ;; handle errors, interactive debugger
+ (print
+ (eval
+ (read)))
+ (force-output)) ;; flush output buffers
+### Symbols
+A symbol compares faster than a string (pointers comparison).
+To get a symbol through `eval` we have to quote it, with a single
+quote prefix.
+ ;; SLIME
+ CL-USER> 'hello-world
+ CL-USER> (quote hello-world) ; equivalent sans syntaxe
+### Symbols
+If the symbol is not quoted then we end up in the interactive debugger :
+ ;; SLIME
+ CL-USER> hello-world
+ The variable HELLO-WORLD is unbound.
+ [Condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE]
+ Restarts:
+ 0: [CONTINUE] Retry using HELLO-WORLD.
+ 1: [USE-VALUE] Use specified value.
+ 2: [STORE-VALUE] Set specified value and use it.
+ 3: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
+ 4: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
+ Backtrace:
+ --more--
+ 4
+ ; Evaluation aborted on #<UNBOUND-VARIABLE HELLO-WORLD {1004AF3523}>.
+ CL-USER> _
+### Functions
+`defun` defines a function.
+If the first element of a list
+(between parentheses) is a function or a symbol naming a function then
+the list is treated as a function call.
+ ;; SLIME
+ CL-USER> (defun hello-world ()
+ (format t "Hello world !"))
+ CL-USER> (hello-world)
+ Hello world !
+ CL-USER> _
+### Lambda
+`lambda` introduces an anonymous function. We can affect an
+anonymous function to a symbol, not unlike `defun`.
+ ;; SLIME
+ CL-USER> (setf (symbol-function 'hello-world)
+ (lambda ()
+ (format t "Hello world !")))
+ CL-USER> (hello-world)
+ Hello world !
+ CL-USER> _
+### Higher order functions
+A function is a value like others and can be passed to another function.
+We call these functions higher order.
+ ;; SLIME
+ CL-USER> (mapcar (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
+ (1 4 9 16 25)
+ CL-USER> (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5))
+ 15
+ CL-USER> (reduce (function +) '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; equivalent to above
+ 15
+ CL-USER> (reduce '+ '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; not equivalent will resolve
+ ; function at run-time
+ 15
+ CL-USER> _
+### Macros
+ - parameters are not evaluated -> DSL and
+ meta-programming
+ - generate code which is in turn evaluated
+ - backquote and comma to quote only parts
+ ;; SLIME
+ CL-USER> (defmacro hello (arg)
+ `(format nil "Hello ~A !"
+ (string-capitalize ',arg)))
+ CL-USER> (hello world)
+ "Hello World !"
+ CL-USER> (hello pony)
+ "Hello Pony !"
+ CL-USER> _
+On Lisp, Paul Graham
+### Quasiquotation
+To quote entirely :
+ `'(a b c)`
+ `(quote (a b c))`
+ `(a b c)`
+To quote partially :
+ `` `(a b ,c)``
+ `(list 'a 'b c)`
+ `(a b 123)` if `c = 123`
+Backquote stops evaluation and comma reactivates it locally.
+ ;; SLIME
+ CL-USER> (let ((c 123))
+ `(a b ,c))
+ (A B 123)
+# RailsOnLisp
+## Installation
+### Clone RailsOnLisp/rol.git
+ $ mkdir ~/common-lisp/RailsOnLisp
+ $ cd ~/common-lisp/RailsOnLisp
+ $ git clone https://github.com/RailsOnLisp/rol.git
+ Cloning into 'rol' ...
+ $ _
+### Configure PATH
+Edit ` ~/.profile `
+ if [ -d "$HOME/common-lisp/RailsOnLisp/rol/bin" ]; then
+ PATH="$HOME/common-lisp/RailsOnLisp/rol/bin:$PATH"
+ fi
+### Install RailsOnLisp
+ $ . ~/.profile # source ~/.profile ou launch a new shell
+ $ rol install
+ Cloning into 'rol-assets' ...
+ Cloning into 'rol-files' ...
+ Cloning into 'rol-log' ...
+ Cloning into 'rol-server' ...
+ Cloning into 'rol-skel' ...
+ Cloning into 'rol-template' ...
+ Cloning into 'rol-uri' ...
+ $ ls -l ~/common-lisp/RailsOnLisp/rol
+ $ _
+## Demo
+### rol new
+ $ rol new test
+ Creating test
+ D .
+ D ./config
+ F ./config/app.lisp
+ F ./config/routes.lisp
+ F ./config/assets.lisp
+ D ./data
+ D ./lib
+ L ./lib/rol -> /home/dx/common-lisp/RailsOnLisp/rol
+ F ./Makefile
+ D ./app
+ D ./app/assets
+ D ./app/assets/css
+ F ./app/assets/css/app.css
+ D ./app/assets/js
+ F ./app/assets/js/app.js
+ D ./app/views
+ D ./app/views/_layouts
+ [...]
+ $ _
+### make load
+ $ cd test
+ $ make load
+ env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sbcl --disable-ldb --lose-on-corruption \
+ --dynamic-space-size 512 --noinform --end-runtime-options \
+ --eval '(declaim (optimize (debug 2) (safety 2) (speed 3) (space 1)))' \
+ --disable-debugger \
+ --load load.lisp \
+ --eval '(run)' \
+ --quit
+ [...]
+ INFO setup environment development
+ INFO saving facts into "data/test.facts"
+ INFO starting thot at
+ INFO Thot start
+ INFO loading mime types from /etc/mime.types
+### localhost:4000
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