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    Unix file descriptor flexi streams for Common Lisp



  • fd-flexi

    fd-flexi streams are flexi streams using fd-gray streams to embed Unix file descriptors in standard Common Lisp streams supporting dynamic external encoding.

    fd-flexi:input-stream fd &optional (external-format :utf-8) –> stream

    Creates an input flexi stream for file descriptor fd, initially using external-format encoding.

    (read-line (fd-flexi:input-stream 0))

    fd-flexi:output-stream fd &optional (external-format :utf-8) –> stream

    Creates an output flexi stream for file descriptor fd, initially using external-format encoding.

    (write-string "Hello world !" (fd-flexi:output-stream 1))

    fd-flexi:io-stream fd &optional (external-format :utf-8) –> stream

    Creates an input/output flexi stream for file descriptor fd, initially using external-format encoding.

    (let ((stream (fd-flexi:io-stream (fcntl:open "file.txt" fcntl:+o-rdwr+))))
      (write-string (read-line stream) stream))

    fd-flexi:with-input-stream (var fd &optional (external-format :utf-8)) &body body –> result

    Creates an input flexi stream for file descriptor fd, initially using external-format encoding, that will be closed returning from body.

    (fd-flexi:with-input-stream (in (fcntl:open "file.txt" fcntl:+o-rdonly+))
      (read-line in))

    fd-flexi:with-output-stream (var fd &optional (external-format :utf-8)) &body body –> result

    Creates an output flexi stream for file descriptor fd, initially using external-format encoding, that will be closed returning from body.

    (fd-flexi:with-output-stream (out (fcntl:open "file.txt" fcntl:+o-wronly+))
      (write-string "Hello world !" out))

    fd-flexi:with-io-stream (var fd) &body body –> result

    Creates an input/output flexi stream for file descriptor fd, initially using external-format encoding, that will be closed returning from body.

    (fd-flexi:with-io-stream (out (fcntl:open "file.txt" fcntl:+o-rdwr+))
      (write-string (read-line stream) stream))