Hash :
Author :
Thomas de Grivel
Date :
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\author{Thomas de Grivel <thomasdegrivel@gmail.com>}
\institute{ELS 2017}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
Unlabelled Skip Lists
\item {\bf Skip Lists} : fast, better parallelization than trees.
\item Probabillistic data structure.
\item Search, insert, delete : $O(log\ n)$.
\item Single link updates are atomic, no locking needed.
start chain,
every node/.style={above,rectangle,minimum height=1mm,minimum width=1mm,
skip3/.style={draw,rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3, draw},
skip2/.style={draw,rectangle split, rectangle split parts=2, draw},
skip1/.style={draw,rectangle split, rectangle split parts=1, draw},
\node[skip3](A) at (0,0) {}; \node(AA) at (0,-0.5) {A};
\node[skip1](B) at (1,0) {}; \node(BB) at (1,-0.5) {B};
\node[skip2](C) at (2,0) {}; \node(CC) at (2,-0.5) {C};
\node[skip1](D) at (3,0) {}; \node(DD) at (3,-0.5) {D};
\node[skip1](E) at (4,0) {}; \node(EE) at (4,-0.5) {E};
\node[skip3](F) at (5,0) {}; \node(FF) at (5,-0.5) {F};
\node[skip1](G) at (6,0) {}; \node(GG) at (6,-0.5) {G};
\node[skip1](H) at (7,0) {}; \node(HH) at (7,-0.5) {H};
\draw[*->] let \p1=(A.one), \p2=(F.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(A.two), \p2=(C.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(A.three),\p2=(B.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(B.one), \p2=(C.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(C.one), \p2=(F.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(C.two), \p2=(D.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(D.one), \p2=(E.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(E.one), \p2=(F.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(F.three),\p2=(G.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\draw[*->] let \p1=(G.one), \p2=(H.west) in (\x1,\y1+2) -- (\x2,\y1+2);
\item {\bf Only values}, no keys. Content addressed memory.
Triple store
\item {\bf Store} as much data as you want as {\bf triples} $\{Subject, Predicate, Object\}$.
\item Three {\bf sorted indexes} : $\{S, P, O\}$, $\{P, O, S\}$, $\{O, S, P\}$.
\item {\bf Iterate} on queries with $[0..3]$ unknown ?values (sic).
\item All operations on database are {\bf logged to a file}.
\item Transactions can be aborted with defined {\bf rollback functions}.
\item {\bf Persistence} : at startup the log is replayed and the database dumped.
\item {\bf Disk storage}, for now all data is in-memory.
\item {\bf Computed facts} inferred from added facts.
\item {\bf Events} with pattern matching on inserts and deletes.
\item User defined {\bf indexes} for arbitrarily complex patterns.
\item RDF, turtle...
\item {\bf Facts}\\
\item {\bf Unlabelled Skip List}\\
\item {\bf Indexes}\\
\item {\bf Rollback}\\