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  • Hash : b331ada8
    Author : Sam Lantinga
    Date : 2014-02-09T01:49:01

    Fixed bug 2354 - [ES 2.0] SDL_RenderClear clears render target with wrong color ny00 SDL_RenderClear clears a render target with the wrong color, if the opengles2 renderer driver is used and the target texture's format is SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888. The bug is *not* reproduced if SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888 is used as the texture format (the first from the renderer's list). It is further not reproduced using any of the following renderer drivers: opengl, opengles (apparently powered by Gallium3D), software. Finally, the correct color can be drawn using SDL_RenderFillRect (instead of SDL_RenderClear). A few details about the current setup: - OS: Ubuntu 12.04 for x86_64 - GPU: GeForce GTX 460 - GPU driver version: 331.20-0ubuntu1~xedgers~precise1 (from the xorg-edgers PPA) --- Seth Williams Sam, It appears that the clear just needs to take the render target format into consideration. Seth.

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