Hash :
Author :
Date :
build-scripts/fnsince.pl: Deal with new point-release system. This ignores 2.x.1 (etc) releases, which prevents it from thinking the next official non-point-release version is 2.26.1, when it should be 2.26.0, because it saw the "latest" release is 2.24.1. This fixes the wiki ending up with imaginary version numbers for the "this function is available since SDL 2.x.y" sections. Fixes #6343.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
my $wikipath = undef;
foreach (@ARGV) {
$wikipath = abs_path($_), next if not defined $wikipath;
my @unsorted_releases = ();
open(PIPEFH, '-|', 'git tag -l') or die "Failed to read git release tags: $!\n";
while (<PIPEFH>) {
if (/\Arelease\-(.*?)\Z/) {
# After 2.24.x, ignore anything that isn't a x.y.0 release.
# We moved to bugfix-only point releases there, so make sure new APIs
# are assigned to the next minor version and ignore the patch versions.
my $ver = $1;
my @versplit = split /\./, $ver;
next if (scalar(@versplit) > 2) && (($versplit[0] > 2) || (($versplit[0] == 2) && ($versplit[1] >= 24))) && ($versplit[2] != 0);
# Consider this release version.
push @unsorted_releases, $ver;
#foreach (@unsorted_releases) {
# print "$_\n";
my @releases = sort {
my @asplit = split /\./, $a;
my @bsplit = split /\./, $b;
my $rc;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@asplit); $i++) {
return 1 if (scalar(@bsplit) <= $i); # a is "2.0.1" and b is "2.0", or whatever.
my $aseg = $asplit[$i];
my $bseg = $bsplit[$i];
$rc = int($aseg) <=> int($bseg);
return $rc if ($rc != 0); # found the difference.
return 0; # still here? They matched completely?!
} @unsorted_releases;
# this happens to work for how SDL versions things at the moment.
my $current_release = $releases[-1];
my $next_release;
if ($current_release eq '2.0.22') { # Hack for our jump from 2.0.22 to 2.24.0...
$next_release = '2.24.0';
} else {
my @current_release_segments = split /\./, $current_release;
@current_release_segments[1] = '' . ($current_release_segments[1] + 2);
$next_release = join('.', @current_release_segments);
#foreach (@releases) {
# print "$_\n";
#print("\nCURRENT RELEASE: $current_release\n");
#print("NEXT RELEASE: $next_release\n\n");
push @releases, 'HEAD';
my %funcs = ();
foreach my $release (@releases) {
#print("Checking $release...\n");
next if ($release eq '2.0.0') || ($release eq '2.0.1'); # no dynapi before 2.0.2
my $assigned_release = ($release eq '2.0.2') ? '2.0.0' : $release; # assume everything in 2.0.2--first with dynapi--was there since 2.0.0. We'll fix it up later.
my $tag = ($release eq 'HEAD') ? $release : "release-$release";
my $blobname = "$tag:src/dynapi/SDL_dynapi_overrides.h";
open(PIPEFH, '-|', "git show '$blobname'") or die "Failed to read git blob '$blobname': $!\n";
while (<PIPEFH>) {
if (/\A\#define\s+(SDL_.*?)\s+SDL_.*?_REAL\Z/) {
my $fn = $1;
$funcs{$fn} = $assigned_release if not defined $funcs{$fn};
# Fixup the handful of functions that were added in 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 that we
# didn't have dynapi revision data about...
$funcs{'SDL_GetSystemRAM'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_GetBasePath'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_GetPrefPath'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_UpdateYUVTexture'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_Direct3D9GetAdapterIndex'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_RenderGetD3D9Device'} = '2.0.1';
$funcs{'SDL_RegisterApp'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_UnregisterApp'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_GetAssertionHandler'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicAdd'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicGet'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicGetPtr'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicSet'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_AtomicSetPtr'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_HasAVX'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_acos'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_asin'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_vsscanf'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_DetachThread'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_GL_ResetAttributes'} = '2.0.2';
$funcs{'SDL_DXGIGetOutputInfo'} = '2.0.2';
# these are incorrect in the dynapi header, because we forgot to add them
# until a later release, but are available in the older release.
$funcs{'SDL_WinRTGetFSPathUNICODE'} = '2.0.3';
$funcs{'SDL_WinRTGetFSPathUTF8'} = '2.0.3';
$funcs{'SDL_WinRTRunApp'} = '2.0.3';
if (not defined $wikipath) {
foreach my $release (@releases) {
foreach my $fn (sort keys %funcs) {
print("$fn: $funcs{$fn}\n") if $funcs{$fn} eq $release;
} else {
if (defined $wikipath) {
foreach my $fn (keys %funcs) {
my $revision = $funcs{$fn};
$revision = $next_release if $revision eq 'HEAD';
my $fname = "$fn.mediawiki";
if ( ! -f $fname ) {
#print STDERR "No such file: $fname\n";
my @lines = ();
open(FH, '<', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for read: $!\n");
my $added = 0;
while (<FH>) {
if ((/\A\-\-\-\-/) && (!$added)) {
push @lines, "== Version ==";
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
$added = 1;
push @lines, $_;
next if not /\A\=\=\s+Version\s+\=\=/;
$added = 1;
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
while (<FH>) {
next if not (/\A\=\=\s+/ || /\A\-\-\-\-/);
push @lines, $_;
if (!$added) {
push @lines, "== Version ==";
push @lines, "";
push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
push @lines, "";
open(FH, '>', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for write: $!\n");
foreach (@lines) {
print FH "$_\n";