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  • Hash : e343273a
    Author : Sam Lantinga
    Date : 2013-10-19T01:29:23

    Fixed bug 2162 - SDL_RenderClear not clearing entire render target Kevin Wells Overview: SDL_RenderClear is only clearing part of a texture when it is the render target and a different size than the screen. Steps to Reproduce: 1) This only occurs with the render driver set to direct3d, so: SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER,"direct3d") Also, my window was 1280x720. 2) Create a texture for a render target with a resolution of 1024x1024: texture=SDL_CreateTexture(main_window.renderer,SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888,SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET,1024,1024); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(texture,SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); 3) Target the texture for rendering: SDL_SetRenderTarget(main_window.renderer,texture); 4) Set the draw color to whatever you want (problem occurs with both 0,0,0,0 and 0,0,0,255 among others) and then clear the render target: SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(main_window.renderer,0,0,0,0); SDL_RenderClear(main_window.renderer); Actual Results: Only about the top 3/4s of the texture gets cleared on calling SDL_RenderClear. The bottom 1/4 or so does not clear. Expected Results: Entire render target should be cleared.

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  • Git HTTP https://git.kmx.io/kc3-lang/SDL.git
    Git SSH git@git.kmx.io:kc3-lang/SDL.git
    Public access ? public

    Fork of https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL

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