

Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 for OS/2 & eComStation

SDL port for OS/2, authored by Andrey Vasilkin digi@os2.snc.ru, 2016

OpenGL, joystick and audio capture not supported by this port.

Additional environment variables (optional) for OS/2 version:

SDL_AUDIO_SHARE Values: 0 or 1, default is 0 Initializes the device as shareable or exclusively acquired.

SDL_VIDEODRIVER Values: DIVE or VMAN, default is DIVE Use video subsystem: Direct interface video extensions (DIVE) or Video Manager (VMAN).

You may significantly increase video output speed with OS4 kernel and patched files vman.dll and dive.dll or with latest versions of ACPI support and video driver Panorama.

Latest versions of OS/4 kernel: http://gus.biysk.ru/os4/ (Info: https://www.os2world.com/wiki/index.php/Phoenix_OS/4)

Patched files vman.dll and dive.dll: http://gus.biysk.ru/os4/test/pached_dll/PATCHED_DLL.RAR


Open Watcom 1.9 or newer is tested. For the new Open Watcom V2 fork, see: https://github.com/open-watcom/ and https://open-watcom.github.io WATCOM ervironment variable must to be set to the Open Watcom install directory. To compile, run: wmake -f Makefile.os2


