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* builds/*/*-def.mk: changed the objects directory from "obj" to "objs" * include/freetype/config/ftheader.h: removed obsolete macros like FT_SOURCE_FILE, etc.. and added cache-specific macro definitions that were previously defined in <freetype/ftcache.h>. Added comments to be included in a new API Reference section. * src/*/*: removed the use of FT_SOURCE_FILE, etc.. now, each component needs to added its own directory to the include path at compile time. Modified all "rules.mk" and "descrip.mms" accordingly..
# FreeType 2 auto-hinter module compilation rules for VMS
# Copyright 2001 Catharon Productions Inc.
# This file is part of the Catharon Typography Project and shall only
# be used, modified, and distributed under the terms of the Catharon
# Open Source License that should come with this file under the name
# `CatharonLicense.txt'. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
# this file you indicate that you have read the license and
# understand and accept it fully.
# Note that this license is compatible with the FreeType license.
all : $(OBJS)
library [--.lib]freetype.olb $(OBJS)