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[psaux] Use doubling allocation strategy for CF2_ArrStack. Fixes timeout reported as https://crbug.com/1206181 * src/psaux/psarrst.c (cf2_arrstack_{push,init}): Implement it. * src/psaux/psarrst.h (CF2_ArrStackiRec): Drop `chunk'.
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* psarrst.c
* Adobe's code for Array Stacks (body).
* Copyright 2007-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
* This software, and all works of authorship, whether in source or
* object code form as indicated by the copyright notice(s) included
* herein (collectively, the "Work") is made available, and may only be
* used, modified, and distributed under the FreeType Project License,
* LICENSE.TXT. Additionally, subject to the terms and conditions of the
* FreeType Project License, each contributor to the Work hereby grants
* to any individual or legal entity exercising permissions granted by
* the FreeType Project License and this section (hereafter, "You" or
* "Your") a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,
* royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent
* license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and
* otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those
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* infringed by their contribution(s) alone or by combination of their
* contribution(s) with the Work to which such contribution(s) was
* submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity
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* and you accept them fully.
#include "psft.h"
#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
#include "psglue.h"
#include "psarrst.h"
#include "pserror.h"
* CF2_ArrStack uses an error pointer, to enable shared errors.
* Shared errors are necessary when multiple objects allow the program
* to continue after detecting errors. Only the first error should be
* recorded.
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
cf2_arrstack_init( CF2_ArrStack arrstack,
FT_Memory memory,
FT_Error* error,
size_t sizeItem )
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
/* initialize the structure */
arrstack->memory = memory;
arrstack->error = error;
arrstack->sizeItem = sizeItem;
arrstack->allocated = 0;
arrstack->count = 0;
arrstack->totalSize = 0;
arrstack->ptr = NULL;
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
cf2_arrstack_finalize( CF2_ArrStack arrstack )
FT_Memory memory = arrstack->memory; /* for FT_FREE */
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
arrstack->allocated = 0;
arrstack->count = 0;
arrstack->totalSize = 0;
/* free the data buffer */
FT_FREE( arrstack->ptr );
/* allocate or reallocate the buffer size; */
/* return false on memory error */
static FT_Bool
cf2_arrstack_setNumElements( CF2_ArrStack arrstack,
size_t numElements )
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
FT_Error error = FT_Err_Ok; /* for FT_REALLOC */
FT_Memory memory = arrstack->memory; /* for FT_REALLOC */
size_t newSize = numElements * arrstack->sizeItem;
if ( numElements > FT_LONG_MAX / arrstack->sizeItem )
goto exit;
FT_ASSERT( newSize > 0 ); /* avoid realloc with zero size */
if ( !FT_QREALLOC( arrstack->ptr, arrstack->totalSize, newSize ) )
arrstack->allocated = numElements;
arrstack->totalSize = newSize;
if ( arrstack->count > numElements )
/* we truncated the list! */
CF2_SET_ERROR( arrstack->error, Stack_Overflow );
arrstack->count = numElements;
return FALSE;
return TRUE; /* success */
/* if there's not already an error, store this one */
CF2_SET_ERROR( arrstack->error, Out_Of_Memory );
return FALSE;
/* set the count, ensuring allocation is sufficient */
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
cf2_arrstack_setCount( CF2_ArrStack arrstack,
size_t numElements )
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
if ( numElements > arrstack->allocated )
/* expand the allocation first */
if ( !cf2_arrstack_setNumElements( arrstack, numElements ) )
arrstack->count = numElements;
/* clear the count */
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
cf2_arrstack_clear( CF2_ArrStack arrstack )
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
arrstack->count = 0;
/* current number of items */
FT_LOCAL_DEF( size_t )
cf2_arrstack_size( const CF2_ArrStack arrstack )
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
return arrstack->count;
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void* )
cf2_arrstack_getBuffer( const CF2_ArrStack arrstack )
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
return arrstack->ptr;
/* return pointer to the given element */
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void* )
cf2_arrstack_getPointer( const CF2_ArrStack arrstack,
size_t idx )
void* newPtr;
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
if ( idx >= arrstack->count )
/* overflow */
CF2_SET_ERROR( arrstack->error, Stack_Overflow );
idx = 0; /* choose safe default */
newPtr = (FT_Byte*)arrstack->ptr + idx * arrstack->sizeItem;
return newPtr;
/* push (append) an element at the end of the list; */
/* return false on memory error */
/* TODO: should there be a length param for extra checking? */
FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
cf2_arrstack_push( CF2_ArrStack arrstack,
const void* ptr )
FT_ASSERT( arrstack );
if ( arrstack->count == arrstack->allocated )
/* increase the buffer size */
if ( !cf2_arrstack_setNumElements(
arrstack, arrstack->allocated * 2 + 16 ) )
/* on error, ignore the push */
FT_ASSERT( ptr );
size_t offset = arrstack->count * arrstack->sizeItem;
void* newPtr = (FT_Byte*)arrstack->ptr + offset;
FT_MEM_COPY( newPtr, ptr, arrstack->sizeItem );
arrstack->count += 1;
/* END */