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Don't use macro names that contain `__' [1/2]. Such macro names are reserved for both C and C++. */*: Replace macros of the form `__XXX_H__' with `XXX_H_'.
Compiling FreeType 2 with PureC compiler ======================================== [See below for a German version.] To compile FreeType 2 as a library the following changes must be applied: - All *.c files must start with an uppercase letter. (In case GEMSCRIPT is available: Simply drag the whole FreeType 2 directory to the file `FNames.SIC'.) - You have to change the INCLUDE directory in PureC's compiler options to contain both the `INCLUDE' and `freetype2\include' directory. Example: INCLUDE;E:\freetype2\include - The file `freetype2/include/Ft2build.h' must be patched as follows to include ATARI.H: #ifndef FT2_BUILD_GENERIC_H_ #define FT2_BUILD_GENERIC_H_ #include "ATARI.H" Compilieren von FreeType 2 mit PureC ==================================== Um FreeType 2 als eine Bibliothek (library) zu compilieren, muss folgendes ge„ndert werden: - Alle *.c-files mssen mit einem GROSSBUCHSTABEN beginnen. (Falls GEMSCRIPT zur Verfgung steht: Den kompletten Ordner freetype2 auf die Datei `FNames.SIC' draggen.) - In den Compiler-Optionen von PureC muss das INCLUDE directory auf INCLUDE und freetype2\include verweisen. Z.B.: INCLUDE;E:\freetype2\include - In der Datei freetype2/include/Ft2build.h muss zu Beginn ein #include "ATARI.H" wie folgt eingefgt werden: #ifndef FT2_BUILD_GENERIC_H_ #define FT2_BUILD_GENERIC_H_ #include "ATARI.H" --- end of README.TXT ---