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* builds/amiga/makefile, builds/amiga/smakefile, amiga/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h: Updated to include support for BDF and Type42 drivers. * docs/modules.txt: Updated. * src/bdf/bdflib.c (_bdf_parse_glyphs): Replace floating point math with calls to `FT_MulDiv'.
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# Makefile for FreeType2 link library using Amiga SAS/C 6.58
# to build from the builds/amiga directory call
# smake assign
# smake
# Your programs source code should start with this
# (uncomment the parts you do not need to keep the program small):
# ---8<---
#define FT_USE_AUTOHINT // autohinter
#define FT_USE_RASTER // monochrome rasterizer
#define FT_USE_SMOOTH // anti-aliasing rasterizer
#define FT_USE_TT // truetype font driver
#define FT_USE_T1 // type1 font driver
#define FT_USE_T42 // type42 font driver
#define FT_USE_T1CID // cid-keyed type1 font driver
#define FT_USE_CFF // opentype font driver
#define FT_USE_BDF // bdf bitmap font driver
#define FT_USE_PCF // pcf bitmap font driver
#define FT_USE_PFR // pfr font driver
#define FT_USE_WINFNT // windows .fnt|.fon bitmap font driver
#include "FT:src/base/ftinit.c"
# ---8<---
# link your programs with ft2_680x0.lib and either ftsystem.o or ftsystempure.o
# (and either ftdebug.o or ftdebugpure.o if you enabled FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR or
# FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE in include/freetype/config/ftoption.h).
OBJBASE = ftbase.o ftglyph.o ftbbox.o ftmm.o ftsynth.o
OBJSYSTEM = ftsystem.o ftsystempure.o
OBJDEBUG = ftdebug.o ftdebugpure.o
OBJAHINT = autohint.o ahoptim.o
OBJPSHINT = pshinter.o
OBJPSAUX = psaux.o
OBJPSNAM = psnames.o
OBJRAST = raster.o
OBJSMOOTH = smooth.o
OBJSFNT = sfnt.o
OBJCACHE = ftcache.o
OBJFONTD = cff.o type1.o type42.o type1cid.o\
truetype.o winfnt.o bdf.o pcf.o pfr.o
CORE = FT:src/
CPU = 68000
#CPU = 68020
#CPU = 68030
#CPU = 68040
#CPU = 68060
OPTIMIZER = optinlocal
SCFLAGS = optimize opttime optsched strmerge strsect=near idlen=40 cpu=$(CPU)\
idir=include/ idir=$(CORE) idir=FT:include/ nostackcheck nochkabort\
noicons ignore=79,85,110,306 parameters=both
LIB = ft2_$(CPU).lib
# sample linker options
OPTS = link lib=$(LIB),lib:sc.lib,lib:amiga.lib,lib:debug.lib\
smallcode smalldata noicons utillib
# sample program entry
#myprog: myprog.c ftsystem.o $(LIB)
# sc $< programname=$@ ftsystem.o $(SCFLAGS) $(OPTS)
assign FT: //
# uses separate object modules in lib to make for easier debugging
# also, can make smaller programs if entire engine is not used
-delete \#?.o
realclean: clean
-delete ft2$(CPU).lib
# freetype library base
ftbase.o: $(CORE)base/ftbase.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftinit.o: $(CORE)base/ftinit.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftsystem.o: $(CORE)base/ftsystem.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftsystempure.o: src/base/ftsystem.c ## pure version for use in run-time library etc
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftdebug.o: $(CORE)base/ftdebug.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftdebugpure.o: src/base/ftdebug.c ## pure version for use in run-time library etc
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library base extensions
ftglyph.o: $(CORE)base/ftglyph.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftbbox.o: $(CORE)base/ftbbox.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftmm.o: $(CORE)base/ftmm.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
ftsynth.o: $(CORE)base/ftsynth.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library autohinting module
autohint.o: $(CORE)autohint/autohint.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library autohinting module extensions
ahoptim.o: $(CORE)autohint/ahoptim.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library PS hinting module
pshinter.o: $(CORE)pshinter/pshinter.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library PS support module
psaux.o: $(CORE)psaux/psaux.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library PS glyph names module
psnames.o: $(CORE)psnames/psnames.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library monochrome raster module
raster.o: $(CORE)raster/raster.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library anti-aliasing raster module
smooth.o: $(CORE)smooth/smooth.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library 'sfnt' module
sfnt.o: $(CORE)sfnt/sfnt.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library glyph and image caching system (still experimental)
ftcache.o: $(CORE)cache/ftcache.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library OpenType font driver
cff.o: $(CORE)cff/cff.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library TrueType font driver
truetype.o: $(CORE)truetype/truetype.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library Type1 font driver
type1.o: $(CORE)type1/type1.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# FreeType2 library Type42 font driver
type42.o: $(CORE)type42/t42drivr.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library CID-keyed Type1 font driver
type1cid.o: $(CORE)cid/type1cid.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library CID-keyed Type1 font driver extensions
#cidafm.o: $(CORE)cid/cidafm.c
# sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library BDF bitmap font driver
bdf.o: $(CORE)bdf/bdf.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library PCF bitmap font driver
pcf.o: $(CORE)pcf/pcf.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library PFR font driver
pfr.o: $(CORE)pfr/pfr.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
# freetype library Windows FNT/FON bitmap font driver
winfnt.o: $(CORE)winfonts/winfnt.c
sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<