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#include "FTInternals.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
namespace C {
#define C_FUN(cret, cname, cargs, cxxerr, cxxname, cxxarg) \
cret cname cargs \
{ \
if(!f || !f->ptr) \
{ \
fprintf(stderr, "FTGL Warning: NULL pointer .. %s\n", #cname); \
cxxerr; \
} \
switch(f->type) \
{ \
case Bitmap: \
return dynamic_cast<FTGLBitmapFont*>(f->ptr)->cxxname cxxarg; \
case Extrude: \
return dynamic_cast<FTGLExtrdFont*>(f->ptr)->cxxname cxxarg; \
case Outline: \
return dynamic_cast<FTGLOutlineFont*>(f->ptr)->cxxname cxxarg; \
case Pixmap: \
return dynamic_cast<FTGLPixmapFont*>(f->ptr)->cxxname cxxarg; \
case Polygon: \
return dynamic_cast<FTGLPolygonFont*>(f->ptr)->cxxname cxxarg; \
case Texture: \
return dynamic_cast<FTGLTextureFont*>(f->ptr)->cxxname cxxarg; \
} \
fprintf(stderr, "FTGL Warning: Function not implemented yet .. %s for %d\n", #cname, f->type); \
cxxerr; \
// bool FTFont::Attach(const char* fontFilePath);
C_FUN(int, ftglAttachFile, (FTGLfont *f, const char* path),
return 0, Attach, (path));
// bool FTFont::Attach(const unsigned char *pBufferBytes,
// size_t bufferSizeInBytes);
C_FUN(int, ftglAttachData, (FTGLfont *f, const unsigned char *p, size_t s),
return 0, Attach, (p, s));
// bool FTFont::CharMap(FT_Encoding encoding);
C_FUN(int, ftglCharMap, (FTGLfont *f, FT_Encoding enc),
return 0, CharMap, (enc));
// unsigned int FTFont::CharMapCount();
C_FUN(unsigned int, ftglCharMapCount, (FTGLfont *f),
return 0, CharMapCount, ());
// FT_Encoding* FTFont::CharMapList();
C_FUN(FT_Encoding *, ftglCharMapList, (FTGLfont* f),
return NULL, CharMapList, ());
// virtual bool FTFont::FaceSize(const unsigned int size,
// const unsigned int res = 72);
C_FUN(int, ftglSetFaceSize, (FTGLfont *f, unsigned int s),
return 0, FaceSize, (s));
C_FUN(int, ftglSetFaceSizeRes, (FTGLfont *f, unsigned int s, unsigned int r),
return 0, FaceSize, (s, r));
// unsigned int FTFont::FaceSize() const;
// XXX: need to call FaceSize() as FTFont::FaceSize() because of FTGLTexture
C_FUN(unsigned int, ftglGetFaceSize, (FTGLfont *f),
return 0, FTFont::FaceSize, ());
// virtual void FTFont::Depth(float depth);
C_FUN(void, ftglSetDepth, (FTGLfont *f, float d), return, Depth, (d));
// void FTFont::UseDisplayList(bool useList);
C_FUN(void, ftglUseDisplayList, (FTGLfont *f, int l),
return, UseDisplayList, (l));
// float FTFont::Ascender() const;
C_FUN(float, ftglAscender, (FTGLfont *f), return 0.f, Ascender, ());
// float FTFont::Descender() const;
C_FUN(float, ftglDescender, (FTGLfont *f), return 0.f, Descender, ());
// float FTFont::LineHeight() const;
C_FUN(float, ftglLineHeight, (FTGLfont *f), return 0.f, LineHeight, ());
// void FTFont::BBox(const char* string, float& llx, float& lly, float& llz,
// float& urx, float& ury, float& urz);
C_FUN(void, ftglBBox, (FTGLfont *f, const char* s, float c[6]),
return, BBox, (s, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5]));
// float FTFont::Advance(const char* string);
C_FUN(float, ftglAdvance, (FTGLfont *f, const char* s),
return 0.f, Advance, (s));
// virtual void FTFont::Render(const char* string);
C_FUN(void, ftglRender, (FTGLfont *f, const char * s), return, Render, (s));
// FT_Error FTFont::Error() const;
C_FUN(FT_Error, ftglError, (FTGLfont *f), return -1, Error, ());
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
} // namespace C