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/** \page ftgl-projects Projects using FTGL
To add your project to this list, please contact one of the %FTGL
developers at http://sf.net/projects/ftgl
Projects are listed in alphabetical order.
\section current Projects currently using FTGL
\subsection blender Blender
Blender (http://blender.org/) is an integrated 3d suite for modelling,
animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and
playback (games).
\subsection bzflag BZFlag
BZFlag (http://BZFlag.org/) is a 3D multi-player multiplatform tank
battle game that allows users to play against each other in a network
BZFlag uses %FTGL as of version 2.99.
\subsection duel Duel
Duel (http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~sir03me/play/code.html) is a small
overhead perspective spaceship game.
\subsection ftglsharp FTGL#
%FTGL# (http://www.paskaluk.com/projects.php) is a collection of .NET
bindings for %FTGL.
\subsection gem Gem
Gem (http://gem.iem.at/) is a loadable library for puredata, which
adds OpenGL graphics rendering and animation to Pd. Pd is a graphical
programming language and computer music system.
\subsection libinstrudeo Libinstrudeo
Libinstrudeo (http://sourceforge.net/projects/libinstrudeo), initially
written for the ScreenKast program, provides the necessary logic to
capture screen recordings and to process them. Includes a soap-client
for the webservice at captorials.com that enables you to share your
\subsection lightspeed Light Speed!
Light Speed! (http://lightspeed.sourceforge.net/) is an OpenGL-based
program which illustrates the effects of special relativity on the
appearance of moving objects. When an object accelerates past a few
million meters per second, these effects begin to grow noticeable,
becoming more and more pronounced as the speed of light is approached.
These relativistic effects are viewpoint-dependent, and include shifts
in length, object hue, brightness and shape.
\subsection projectm projectM
projectM (http://projectm.sourceforge.net/) is a music visualizer
which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with
Milkdrop presets.
\subsection ruby-ftgl Ruby FTGL
Ruby %FTGL# (http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-ftgl/) is a collection
of Ruby bindings for %FTGL.
\subsection tulip Tulip
Tulip (http://tulip.labri.fr/) is a system dedicated to the
visualization of huge graphs. It is capable of managing graphs with up
to 500,000 nodes and edges on relatively modest hardware (eg. 600MHz
Pentium III, 256MB RAM).
\subsection vtk VTK
VTK, the Visualization Toolkit (http://www.vtk.org/), is an object
oriented, high level library that allows one to easily write C++
programs, Tcl, Python and Java scripts that do 3D visualization.
\section old Projects that used to use FTGL
\subsection gnubg GNU Backgammon
GNU Backgammon (http://www.gnubg.org/) was using %FTGL until version