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list the libs as libs instead of flags so they get passed through as dependencies in the libtool archive
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lib_LTLIBRARIES = libftgl.la
libftgl_la_SOURCES = \
FTCharmap.cpp \
FTCharmap.h \
FTCharToGlyphIndexMap.h \
FTContour.cpp \
FTContour.h \
FTFace.cpp \
FTFace.h \
FTGlyphContainer.cpp \
FTGlyphContainer.h \
FTInternals.h \
FTLibrary.cpp \
FTLibrary.h \
FTList.h \
FTPoint.cpp \
FTSize.cpp \
FTSize.h \
FTVector.h \
FTVectoriser.cpp \
FTVectoriser.h \
$(ftglyph_sources) \
$(ftfont_sources) \
$(ftlayout_sources) \
$(ftgl_headers) \
libftgl_la_CPPFLAGS = -IFTGlyph -IFTFont -IFTLayout
libftgl_la_CXXFLAGS = $(FT2_CFLAGS) $(GL_CFLAGS)
libftgl_la_LDFLAGS = \
-no-undefined -version-number $(LT_VERSION)
libftgl_la_LIBADD = \
ftgldir = $(includedir)/FTGL
ftgl_HEADERS = $(ftgl_headers)
ftgl_headers = \
FTGL/ftgl.h \
FTGL/FTPoint.h \
FTGL/FTGlyph.h \
FTGL/FTBitmapGlyph.h \
FTGL/FTExtrdGlyph.h \
FTGL/FTOutlineGlyph.h \
FTGL/FTPixmapGlyph.h \
FTGL/FTPolyGlyph.h \
FTGL/FTTextureGlyph.h \
FTGL/FTFont.h \
FTGL/FTGLBitmapFont.h \
FTGL/FTGLExtrdFont.h \
FTGL/FTGLOutlineFont.h \
FTGL/FTGLPixmapFont.h \
FTGL/FTGLPolygonFont.h \
FTGL/FTGLTextureFont.h \
FTGL/FTLayout.h \
FTGL/FTSimpleLayout.h \
ftglyph_sources = \
FTGlyph/FTGlyph.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTGlyphImpl.h \
FTGlyph/FTGlyphGlue.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTBitmapGlyph.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTBitmapGlyphImpl.h \
FTGlyph/FTExtrudeGlyph.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTExtrudeGlyphImpl.h \
FTGlyph/FTOutlineGlyph.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTOutlineGlyphImpl.h \
FTGlyph/FTPixmapGlyph.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTPixmapGlyphImpl.h \
FTGlyph/FTPolygonGlyph.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTPolygonGlyphImpl.h \
FTGlyph/FTTextureGlyph.cpp \
FTGlyph/FTTextureGlyphImpl.h \
ftfont_sources = \
FTFont/FTFont.cpp \
FTFont/FTFontImpl.h \
FTFont/FTFontGlue.cpp \
FTFont/FTBitmapFont.cpp \
FTFont/FTBitmapFontImpl.h \
FTFont/FTExtrudeFont.cpp \
FTFont/FTExtrudeFontImpl.h \
FTFont/FTOutlineFont.cpp \
FTFont/FTOutlineFontImpl.h \
FTFont/FTPixmapFont.cpp \
FTFont/FTPixmapFontImpl.h \
FTFont/FTPolygonFont.cpp \
FTFont/FTPolygonFontImpl.h \
FTFont/FTTextureFont.cpp \
FTFont/FTTextureFontImpl.h \
ftlayout_sources = \
FTLayout/FTLayout.cpp \
FTLayout/FTLayoutImpl.h \
FTLayout/FTLayoutGlue.cpp \
FTLayout/FTSimpleLayout.cpp \
FTLayout/FTSimpleLayoutImpl.h \