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Return values now scaled correctly
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// Code generated by Object Plant
#include "FTSize.h"
#include "FTGL.h"
//Insert your own code here.
//End of user code.
// OPSignature: FTSize:FTSize()
: size(0)
//Insert your own code here.
//End of user code.
// OPSignature: FTSize:~FTSize()
//Insert your own code here.
//End of user code.
// OPSignature: bool FTSize:SetCharSize( FT_Face:face int:point_size int:x_resolution int:y_resolution )
bool FTSize::CharSize( FT_Face* ftFace, int point_size, int x_resolution, int y_resolution )
size = point_size;
FT_Error err = FT_Set_Char_Size( *ftFace, 0L, point_size * 64, x_resolution, y_resolution);
ftSize = (*ftFace)->size;
return !err;
// OPSignature: int FTSize:GetAscender()
int FTSize::Ascender() const
return ftSize->metrics.ascender >> 6;
// OPSignature: int FTSize:GetDescender()
int FTSize::Descender() const
return ftSize->metrics.descender >> 6;
// OPSignature: int FTSize:Height()
int FTSize::Height() const
return ftSize->metrics.height >> 6;
// OPSignature: int FTSize:Width()
int FTSize::Width() const
return ftSize->metrics.max_advance >> 6;