Hash :
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Date :
Rewrote the way the raster positon is set. The position is now kept in an FT_Vector called pen and pas into the glyphs, rather than the glyph calculating it's on raster position.
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#ifndef __FTFont__
#define __FTFont__
#include <string>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include "FTFace.h"
//#include "FTGL.h"
//class FTGlyph;
class FTGlyphContainer;
using namespace std;
class FTFont
// methods
virtual ~FTFont();
virtual bool Open( const char* fontname );
virtual void Close();
virtual bool FaceSize( const int size, const int res = 72 );
virtual bool CharMap( CHARMAP encoding );
// virtual FTGlyph* Glyph( unsigned char code );
// virtual FTGlyph* Glyph( unsigned char thisCode, unsigned char nextCode );
virtual int Ascender() const;
virtual int Descender() const;
virtual void BBox( const char* text, int& llx, int& lly, int& urx, int& ury ) const;
virtual bool render( const char* string );
virtual FT_Error Error() const { return err;}
// attributes
// methods
virtual bool MakeGlyphList() = 0;
// attributes
FT_Error err;
// list of faces
FTFace face;
int numFaces;
// list of sizes
FTSize charSize;
int numGlyphs;
string fontName;
FTGlyphContainer* glyphList;
FT_Vector pen;
// methods
// attributes
#endif // __FTFont__