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Replaced double with FTGL_DOUBLE typedef
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#include "FTExtrdGlyph.h"
#include "FTVectoriser.h"
#include "mmgr.h"
FTExtrdGlyph::FTExtrdGlyph( FT_Glyph glyph, float d)
: FTGlyph(),
if( ft_glyph_format_outline != glyph->format)
vectoriser = new FTVectoriser( glyph);
// Make the front polygons
vectoriser->MakeMesh( 1.0);
bBox = FTBBox( glyph);
bBox.z2 = -depth;
advance = glyph->advance.x >> 16;
numPoints = vectoriser->MeshPoints();
if ( numPoints < 3)
delete vectoriser;
frontMesh = new FTGL_DOUBLE[ numPoints * 3];
vectoriser->GetMesh( frontMesh);
// Make the back polygons
vectoriser->MakeMesh( -1.0);
numPoints = vectoriser->MeshPoints();
if ( numPoints < 3)
delete vectoriser;
delete [] frontMesh;
backMesh = new FTGL_DOUBLE[ numPoints * 3];
vectoriser->GetMesh( backMesh);
numPoints = vectoriser->points();
int numContours = vectoriser->contours(); // FIXME
if ( ( numContours < 1) || ( numPoints < 3))
delete vectoriser;
delete [] frontMesh;
delete [] backMesh;
// Build the edge polygons
int* contourLength = new int[ numContours];
for( int cn = 0; cn < numContours; ++cn)
contourLength[cn] = vectoriser->contourSize( cn);
sidemesh = new FTGL_DOUBLE[ numPoints * 3];
vectoriser->GetOutline( sidemesh);
delete vectoriser;
// Draw the glyph
int offset = 0;
glList = glGenLists(1);
glNewList( glList, GL_COMPILE);
// Render Front Mesh
int BEPairs = static_cast<int>(frontMesh[0]);
for( int i = 0; i < BEPairs; ++i)
int polyType = (int)frontMesh[offset + 1];
glBegin( polyType);
glNormal3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
int verts = (int)frontMesh[offset+2];
offset += 3;
for( int x = 0; x < verts; ++x)
glVertex3dv( frontMesh + offset);
offset += 3;
// Render Back Mesh
offset = 0;
BEPairs = static_cast<int>(backMesh[0]);
for( int i = 0; i < BEPairs; ++i)
int polyType = (int)backMesh[offset + 1];
glBegin( polyType);
glNormal3d(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
int verts = (int)backMesh[offset+2];
offset += 3;
for( int x = 0; x < verts; ++x)
glVertex3d( backMesh[offset], backMesh[offset + 1], -depth); // FIXME
offset += 3;
FT_OutlineGlyph outline = (FT_OutlineGlyph)glyph;
FT_Outline ftOutline = outline->outline;
int contourFlag = ftOutline.flags; // this is broken for winding direction in freetype so...
// This assumes that the first contour is an outside contour!!!
bool winding = Winding( contourLength[0], sidemesh);
// Join them together.
// Extrude each contour to make the sides.
FTGL_DOUBLE* contour = sidemesh;
for (int c=0; c<numContours; ++c)
// Make a quad strip using each successive
// pair of points in this contour.
int numPoints = contourLength[c];
glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP);
for( int j= 0; j <= numPoints; ++j)
int j1 = (j < numPoints) ? j : 0;
int j0 = (j1 == 0) ? (numPoints-1) : (j1-1);
FTGL_DOUBLE* p0 = contour + j0*3;
FTGL_DOUBLE* p1 = contour + j1*3;
// Compute normal for this quad.
FTGL_DOUBLE vx = p1[0] - p0[0];
FTGL_DOUBLE vy = p1[1] - p0[1];
// Normalise
FTGL_DOUBLE length = sqrt( ( ( vx * vx) + ( vy * vy)));
vx /= length; vy /= length;
glNormal3d(-vy, vx, 0.0);
// Add vertices to the quad strip.
// Winding order
// if( contourFlag & ft_outline_reverse_fill) // this is broken in freetype so...
if( winding)
glVertex3d(p0[0], p0[1], 0);
glVertex3d(p0[0], p0[1], -depth);
glVertex3d(p0[0], p0[1], -depth);
glVertex3d(p0[0], p0[1], 0);
} // for
contour += numPoints*3;
} // for
delete [] sidemesh; // FIXME
delete [] frontMesh;
delete [] backMesh;
delete [] contourLength;
// discard glyph image (bitmap or not)
FT_Done_Glyph( glyph); // Why does this have to be HERE
// if( data)
// delete [] data; // FIXME
bool FTExtrdGlyph::Winding( int numPoints, FTGL_DOUBLE *points)
// Calculate the winding direction. use formula from redbook.
FTGL_DOUBLE area = 0;
for( int count= 0; count <= numPoints; ++count)
int j1 = (count < numPoints) ? count : 0;
int j0 = (j1 == 0) ? ( numPoints-1) : ( j1-1);
FTGL_DOUBLE* p0 = points + j0 * 3;
FTGL_DOUBLE* p1 = points + j1 * 3;
area += ( p0[0] * p1[1]) - ( p1[0] * p0[1]);
return( area < 0 ? false: true);
float FTExtrdGlyph::Render( const FT_Vector& pen)
if( glList)
glTranslatef( pen.x, pen.y, 0);
glCallList( glList);
glTranslatef( -pen.x, -pen.y, 0);
return advance;