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More const stuff Replaced the for loop with a resize to fill the vector with null
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#include "FTGlyphContainer.h"
#include "FTGlyph.h"
#include "FTFace.h"
#include "mmgr.h"
FTGlyphContainer::FTGlyphContainer( FTFace* f, unsigned int g, bool p)
: preCache( p),
numGlyphs( g),
face( f),
err( 0)
// Fill the glyphlist with null glyphs
glyphs.resize( g, NULL);
vector<FTGlyph*>::iterator iter;
for( iter = glyphs.begin(); iter != glyphs.end(); ++iter)
if( *iter)
delete *iter;
bool FTGlyphContainer::Add( FTGlyph* tempGlyph, unsigned int g)
glyphs[g] = tempGlyph;
return true;
FTGlyph* FTGlyphContainer::Glyph( const unsigned int c) const
return glyphs[face->CharIndex( c)];
FTBBox FTGlyphContainer::BBox( const unsigned int index) const
return glyphs[face->CharIndex( index)]->BBox();
float FTGlyphContainer::Advance( unsigned int index, unsigned int next)
unsigned int left = face->CharIndex( index);
unsigned int right = face->CharIndex( next);
float width = face->KernAdvance( left, right).x;
width += glyphs[left]->Advance();
return width;
FT_Vector& FTGlyphContainer::render( unsigned int index, unsigned int next, FT_Vector pen)
kernAdvance.x = 0; kernAdvance.y = 0;
unsigned int left = face->CharIndex( index);
unsigned int right = face->CharIndex( next);
kernAdvance = face->KernAdvance( left, right);
if( !face->Error())
advance = glyphs[left]->Render( pen);
kernAdvance.x = advance + kernAdvance.x;
// kernAdvance.y = advance.y + kernAdvance.y;
return kernAdvance;