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Remove trailing spaces and tabs to ease syncs bzflag needs to do.
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// Memory manager & tracking software
// Best viewed with 8-character tabs and (at least) 132 columns
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Restrictions & freedoms pertaining to usage and redistribution of this software:
// * This software is 100% free
// * If you use this software (in part or in whole) you must credit the author.
// * This software may not be re-distributed (in part or in whole) in a modified
// form without clear documentation on how to obtain a copy of the original work.
// * You may not use this software to directly or indirectly cause harm to others.
// * This software is provided as-is and without warrantee. Use at your own risk.
// For more information, visit HTTP://www.FluidStudios.com
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Originally created on 12/22/2000 by Paul Nettle
// Copyright 2000, Fluid Studios, Inc., all rights reserved.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _H_MMGR
#define _H_MMGR
#ifdef __APPLE_CC__
//MAC hjm 7/11/2000
typedef unsigned long size_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For systems that don't have the __FUNCTION__ variable, we can just define it here
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define __FUNCTION__ "??"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct tag_au
size_t actualSize;
size_t reportedSize;
void *actualAddress;
void *reportedAddress;
char sourceFile[40];
char sourceFunc[40];
unsigned int sourceLine;
unsigned int allocationType;
bool breakOnDealloc;
bool breakOnRealloc;
unsigned int allocationNumber;
struct tag_au *next;
struct tag_au *prev;
} sAllocUnit;
typedef struct
unsigned int totalReportedMemory;
unsigned int totalActualMemory;
unsigned int peakReportedMemory;
unsigned int peakActualMemory;
unsigned int accumulatedReportedMemory;
unsigned int accumulatedActualMemory;
unsigned int accumulatedAllocUnitCount;
unsigned int totalAllocUnitCount;
unsigned int peakAllocUnitCount;
} sMStats;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// External constants
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extern const unsigned int m_alloc_unknown;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_new;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_new_array;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_malloc;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_calloc;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_realloc;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_delete;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_delete_array;
extern const unsigned int m_alloc_free;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used by the macros
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void m_setOwner(const char *file, const unsigned int line, const char *func);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocation breakpoints
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bool &m_breakOnRealloc(void *reportedAddress);
bool &m_breakOnDealloc(void *reportedAddress);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The meat of the memory tracking software
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void *m_allocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc,
const unsigned int allocationType, const size_t reportedSize);
void *m_reallocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc,
const unsigned int reallocationType, const size_t reportedSize, void *reportedAddress);
void m_deallocator(const char *sourceFile, const unsigned int sourceLine, const char *sourceFunc,
const unsigned int deallocationType, const void *reportedAddress);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilitarian functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool m_validateAddress(const void *reportedAddress);
bool m_validateAllocUnit(const sAllocUnit *allocUnit);
bool m_validateAllAllocUnits();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unused RAM calculations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int m_calcUnused(const sAllocUnit *allocUnit);
unsigned int m_calcAllUnused();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Logging and reporting
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void m_dumpAllocUnit(const sAllocUnit *allocUnit, const char *prefix = "");
void m_dumpMemoryReport(const char *filename = "memreport.log", const bool overwrite = true);
sMStats m_getMemoryStatistics();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variations of global operators new & delete
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void *operator new(size_t reportedSize);
void *operator new[](size_t reportedSize);
void *operator new(size_t reportedSize, const char *sourceFile, int sourceLine);
void *operator new[](size_t reportedSize, const char *sourceFile, int sourceLine);
void operator delete(void *reportedAddress);
void operator delete[](void *reportedAddress);
#endif // _H_MMGR
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// Macros -- "Kids, please don't try this at home. We're trained professionals here." :)
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#include "nommgr.h"
#define new (m_setOwner (__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__),false) ? NULL : new
#define delete (m_setOwner (__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__),false) ? m_setOwner("",0,"") : delete
#define malloc(sz) m_allocator (__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_malloc,sz)
#define calloc(sz) m_allocator (__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_calloc,sz)
#define realloc(ptr,sz) m_reallocator(__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_realloc,sz,ptr)
#define free(ptr) m_deallocator(__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,m_alloc_free,ptr)
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// mmgr.h - End of file
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