Hash :
Author :
Thomas de Grivel
Date :
wip cow
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/* c3
* Copyright 2022-2024 kmx.io <contact@kmx.io>
* Permission is hereby granted to use this software granted the above
* copyright notice and this permission paragraph are included in all
* copies and substantial portions of this software.
* @file sym.h
* @brief Symbol data structure.
* Structure to manipulate symbols.
* Symbols are strings that are deduplicated.
* They are allocated once and only free'd at the end of the program.
* Comparing symbols is fast : it's a pointer comparison.
#ifndef LIBC3_SYM_H
#define LIBC3_SYM_H
#include "types.h"
#define SYM_MAX 1024
extern const s_sym g_sym__brackets;
extern const s_sym g_sym__equal;
extern const s_sym g_sym__paren;
extern const s_sym g_sym__plus;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Array;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Block;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Bool;
extern const s_sym g_sym_C3;
extern const s_sym g_sym_C3__Operator;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Call;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Cfn;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Character;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Char__star;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Complex;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Cow;
extern const s_sym g_sym_F32;
extern const s_sym g_sym_F64;
extern const s_sym g_sym_F128;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Fact;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Fn;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Ident;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Integer;
extern const s_sym g_sym_List;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Map;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Ptag;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Ptr;
extern const s_sym g_sym_PtrFree;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Quote;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Ratio;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Result;
extern const s_sym g_sym_S8;
extern const s_sym g_sym_S16;
extern const s_sym g_sym_S32;
extern const s_sym g_sym_S64;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Str;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Struct;
extern const s_sym g_sym_StructType;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Sw;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Sym;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Tag;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Tuple;
extern const s_sym g_sym_U8;
extern const s_sym g_sym_U16;
extern const s_sym g_sym_U32;
extern const s_sym g_sym_U64;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Unquote;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Uw;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Uw_brackets;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Var;
extern const s_sym g_sym_Void;
extern const s_sym g_sym_arity;
extern const s_sym g_sym_cast;
extern const s_sym g_sym_clean;
extern const s_sym g_sym_defstruct;
extern const s_sym g_sym_do;
extern const s_sym g_sym_else;
extern const s_sym g_sym_end;
extern const s_sym g_sym_fn;
extern const s_sym g_sym_if_then_else;
extern const s_sym g_sym_is_a;
extern const s_sym g_sym_is_loading;
extern const s_sym g_sym_load_time;
extern const s_sym g_sym_macro;
extern const s_sym g_sym_module;
extern const s_sym g_sym_operator;
extern const s_sym g_sym_operator_associativity;
extern const s_sym g_sym_operator_equal;
extern const s_sym g_sym_operator_pin;
extern const s_sym g_sym_operator_precedence;
extern const s_sym g_sym_r;
extern const s_sym g_sym_right;
extern const s_sym g_sym_rw;
extern const s_sym g_sym_rwx;
extern const s_sym g_sym_rx;
extern const s_sym g_sym_special_operator;
extern const s_sym g_sym_struct_type;
extern const s_sym g_sym_sym;
extern const s_sym g_sym_symbol;
extern const s_sym g_sym_symbol_value;
extern const s_sym g_sym_then;
extern const s_sym g_sym_w;
extern const s_sym g_sym_wx;
extern const s_sym g_sym_x;
const s_sym * sym_1 (const char *p);
const s_sym ** sym_init_1 (const s_sym **sym, const char *p);
const s_sym ** sym_init_cast (const s_sym **sym,
const s_sym * const *type,
const s_tag *tag);
const s_sym ** sym_init_copy (const s_sym **sym,
const s_sym * const *src);
void sym_init_g_sym (void);
const s_sym ** sym_init_str (const s_sym **sym, const s_str *src);
bool sym_register (const s_sym *sym, s_sym *free_sym);
/* Heap-allocation functions, call sym_delete_all at exit. */
void sym_delete_all (void);
const s_sym * sym_new (const s_str *src);
/* Observers */
const s_sym * sym_array_type (const s_sym *sym);
bool sym_character_is_reserved (character c);
const s_sym * sym_find (const s_str *src);
bool sym_has_reserved_characters (const s_sym *sym);
s_str * sym_inspect (const s_sym *sym, s_str *dest);
bool sym_is_array_type (const s_sym *sym);
bool sym_is_module (const s_sym *sym);
bool sym_must_clean (const s_sym *sym, bool *must_clean);
bool sym_search_modules (const s_sym *sym, const s_sym **dest);
bool sym_to_ffi_type (const s_sym *sym, ffi_type *result_type,
ffi_type **dest);
bool sym_to_tag_type (const s_sym *sym, e_tag_type *dest);
bool sym_type_size (const s_sym *type, uw *size);
#endif /* LIBC3_SYM_H */