

2 KC3 HTTPd web server

The source files for the KC3 HTTPd web server are in /httpd.

2.1 Dependencies

The web server depends on :

2.2 Configuration

The web server must be started in a directory containing the following files :

./app/controllers/     # controllers directory (.kc3)
./app/templates/       # templates directory (.ekc3)
./app/views/           # views directory (.kc3)
./assets/              # assets directory
./assets/css/          # css directory
./assets/css/app.scss  # application css, compiled to ./static/_assets/app.css
./assets/js/           # javascript directory
./assets/js/app.js     # application javascript, compiled to ./static/_assets/app.js
./assets/node_modules/ # from npm
./config/routes.kc3    # dynamic routes
./static/              # for static files
./static/_assets/      # for static asset files
./static/_fonts/       # for static font files
./static/_images/      # for static image files

2.3 Example

Run make test_httpd to run the KC3 HTTPd web server (httpd/kc3_httpd) starting in the test/httpd working directory.

This directory contains an example of configuring and using kc3_httpd.

Static files are served from ./static and is mapped to root URL (/).

Documentation in Markdown and HTML format is served from the /doc/ URL. The documentation has a custom route defined in ./config/routes.kc3, a controller defined in ./app/controllers/doc_controller.kc3 and a few templates defined in ./app/templates/doc/.

The main layout for the application is stated in ./app/templates/layout.html.ekc3 and ./app/templates/nav.html.ekc3. Notice the .html.ekc3 extension, these are HTML files with embedded KC3. See the EKC3 documentation for more information on these files.

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