Hash :
Author :
Date :
deprecate mp_tc_(and|or|xor) in favor of mp_(and|or|xor) * same behavior for positive numbers * generalisation for negative numbers, treating them as two complement * improve algorithm, iterate once over the digits, manually perform two complement * simplify mp_add_d, mp_sub_d * functions are safe in case of a==c or b==c * renamed mp_tc_div_2d to mp_signed_rsh (signed right shift)
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#include "tommath_private.h"
#ifdef BN_MP_SUB_D_C
/* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense */
/* single digit subtraction */
mp_err mp_sub_d(const mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_int *c)
mp_digit *tmpa, *tmpc;
mp_err err;
int ix, oldused;
/* grow c as required */
if (c->alloc < (a->used + 1)) {
if ((err = mp_grow(c, a->used + 1)) != MP_OKAY) {
return err;
/* if a is negative just do an unsigned
* addition [with fudged signs]
if (a->sign == MP_NEG) {
mp_int a_ = *a;
a_.sign = MP_ZPOS;
err = mp_add_d(&a_, b, c);
c->sign = MP_NEG;
/* clamp */
return err;
/* setup regs */
oldused = c->used;
tmpa = a->dp;
tmpc = c->dp;
/* if a <= b simply fix the single digit */
if (((a->used == 1) && (a->dp[0] <= b)) || (a->used == 0)) {
if (a->used == 1) {
*tmpc++ = b - *tmpa;
} else {
*tmpc++ = b;
ix = 1;
/* negative/1digit */
c->sign = MP_NEG;
c->used = 1;
} else {
mp_digit mu = b;
/* positive/size */
c->sign = MP_ZPOS;
c->used = a->used;
/* subtract digits, mu is carry */
for (ix = 0; ix < a->used; ix++) {
*tmpc = *tmpa++ - mu;
mu = *tmpc >> (MP_SIZEOF_BITS(mp_digit) - 1u);
*tmpc++ &= MP_MASK;
/* zero excess digits */
MP_ZERO_DIGITS(tmpc, oldused - ix);
return MP_OKAY;