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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass
from pathlib import Path
import re
from typing import Callable, Generic, Sequence, TypeVar
import jinja2
import yaml
class Version:
"""A semantic version number: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH."""
major: int
minor: int
patch: int = 0
def __str__(self):
return ".".join(map(str, astuple(self)))
def parse(cls, raw_version: str) -> Version:
if raw_version == cls.UNKNOWN_VERSION:
raw_version = cls.DEFAULT_VERSION
version = raw_version.split(".")
assert 2 <= len(version) <= 3 and all(
n.isdecimal() for n in version
), raw_version
return Version(*map(int, version))
class Example:
"""An example in a message entry."""
name: str
description: str
before: str | None
after: str | None
def parse(cls, entry) -> Example:
name = entry.get("name")
assert name, entry
description = entry.get("description")
assert description
before = entry.get("before")
after = entry.get("after")
# Either none or both of them
assert not (bool(before) ^ bool(after))
return Example(name=name, description=description, before=before, after=after)
class Entry:
"""An xkbcommon message entry in the message registry"""
VALID_TYPES = ("warning", "error")
code: int
"""A unique strictly positive integer identifier"""
id: str
"""A unique short human-readable string identifier"""
type: str
"""Log level of the message"""
description: str
"""A short description of the meaning of the message"""
details: str
"""A long description of the meaning of the message"""
added: Version
"""Version of xkbcommon the message has been added"""
removed: Version | None
"""Version of xkbcommon the message has been removed"""
examples: tuple[Example, ...]
Optional examples of situations in which the message occurs.
If the message is an error or a warning, also provide hints on how to fix it.
def parse(cls, entry) -> Entry:
code = entry.get("code")
assert code is not None and isinstance(code, int) and code > 0, entry
id = entry.get("id")
assert id is not None, entry
type_ = entry.get("type")
assert type_ in cls.VALID_TYPES, entry
description = entry.get("description")
assert description is not None, entry
details = entry.get("details", "")
raw_added = entry.get("added", "")
assert raw_added, entry
added = Version.parse(raw_added)
assert added, entry
if removed := entry.get("removed"):
removed = Version.parse(removed)
assert added < removed, entry
if examples := entry.get("examples", ()):
examples = tuple(map(Example.parse, examples))
return Entry(
def message_code(self) -> str:
"""Format the message code for display"""
return f"XKB-{self.code:0>3}"
def message_code_constant(self: Entry) -> str:
"""Returns the C enumeration member denoting the message code"""
id = self.id.replace("-", "_").upper()
return f"XKB_{self.type.upper()}_{id}"
def message_name(self: Entry):
"""Format the message string identifier for display"""
return self.id.replace("-", " ").capitalize()
def prepend_todo(text: str) -> str:
if text.startswith("TODO"):
return f"""<span class="todo">{text[:5]}</span>{text[5:]}"""
return text
def load_message_registry(
env: jinja2.Environment, constants: dict[str, int], path: Path
) -> Sequence[Entry]:
# Load the message registry YAML file as a Jinja2 template
registry_template = env.get_template(str(path))
# Load message registry
message_registry = sorted(
map(Entry.parse, yaml.safe_load(registry_template.render(constants))),
key=lambda e: e.code,
# Check message codes and identifiers are unique
codes: set[int] = set()
identifiers: set[str] = set()
for n, entry in enumerate(message_registry):
if entry.code in codes:
raise ValueError("Duplicated code in entry #{n}: {entry.code}")
if entry.id in identifiers:
raise ValueError("Duplicated identifier in entry #{n}: {entry.id}")
return message_registry
def generate(
registry: Sequence[Entry],
env: jinja2.Environment,
root: Path,
file: Path,
skip_removed: bool = False,
"""Generate a file from its Jinja2 template and the message registry"""
template_path = file.with_suffix(f"{file.suffix}.jinja")
template = env.get_template(str(template_path))
path = root / file
script = Path(__file__).name
with path.open("wt", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
entries = (
tuple(filter(lambda e: e.removed is None, registry))
if skip_removed
else registry
fd.writelines(template.generate(entries=entries, script=script))
T = TypeVar("T")
class Constant(Generic[T]):
name: str
pattern: re.Pattern
conversion: Callable[[str], T]
def read_constants(path: Path, patterns: Sequence[Constant[T]]) -> dict[str, T]:
constants: dict[str, T] = {}
patternsʹ = list(patterns)
with path.open("rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
for line in fd:
for k, constant in enumerate(patternsʹ):
if m := constant.pattern.match(line):
constants[constant.name] = constant.conversion(m.group(1))
del patternsʹ[k]
continue # Expect only one match per line
if not patternsʹ:
# No more pattern to match
for constant in patternsʹ:
print(f"ERROR: could not find constant: {constant.name}.")
if patternsʹ:
raise ValueError("Some constants were not found.")
return constants
# Root of the project
ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent
# Parse commands
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate files from the message registry")
help="Path to the root of the project (default: %(default)s)",
args = parser.parse_args()
# Read some constants from libxkbcommon that we need
constants = read_constants(
Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src" / "keymap.h",
(Constant("XKB_MAX_GROUPS", re.compile("^#define\s+XKB_MAX_GROUPS\s+(\d+)"), int),),
# Configure Jinja
template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(args.root, encoding="utf-8")
jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(
jinja_env.filters["prepend_todo"] = prepend_todo
# Load message registry
message_registry = load_message_registry(
jinja_env, constants, Path("doc/message-registry.yaml")
# Generate the files
message_registry, jinja_env, args.root, Path("tools/messages.c"), skip_removed=True
generate(message_registry, jinja_env, args.root, Path("doc/message-registry.md"))