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  • Hash : 246e105d
    Author : Martin Mitáš
    Date : 2024-01-18T17:22:54

    Refactor mark chains. (#224) * Rename MD_MARKCHAIN to MD_MARKSTACK to indicate its semantics much clearer. * Simplify its implementation (single-linked list instead of double-linked one). * Where it was reused (misused?) for other, unrelated stuff, with other semantics, it's now done explicitly. (i.e. got rid of TABLECELLBOUNDARIES). * PTR_CHAIN still uses the stack (we don't care about order there), but it got separated from the array of ordinary opener stacks at least.

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  • Git HTTP https://git.kmx.io/kc3-lang/md4c.git
    Git SSH git@git.kmx.io:kc3-lang/md4c.git
    Public access ? public

    Fork of https://github.com/mity/md4c

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