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defmodule ExOvh.Ovh.Auth do
alias LoggingUtils
alias ExOvh.Ovh.Defaults
alias ExOvh.Ovh.Cache
@default_headers %{ "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8" }
@methods [:get, :post, :put, :delete]
@timeout 10_000
# Public
@spec prep_request(query :: ExOvh.Client.raw_query_t)
:: ExOvh.Client.query_t
def prep_request({method, uri, params} = query), do: prep_request(ExOvh, query)
@spec prep_request(client :: atom, query :: ExOvh.Client.raw_query_t)
:: ExOvh.Client.query_t
def prep_request(client, query)
def prep_request(client, {method, uri, params} = query) when method in [:get, :delete] do
uri = uri(config, uri)
config = config(client)
if params !== :nil and params !== "", do: uri = uri <> URI.encode_query(params)
consumer_key = get_consumer_key(config)
opts = [app_secret(config), app_key(config), consumer_key, Atom.to_string(method), uri, ""]
options = %{ headers: headers(opts, client), timeout: @timeout }
{method, uri, options}
def prep_request(client, {method, uri, params} = query) when method in [:post, :put] do
uri = uri(config, uri)
config = config(client)
consumer_key = get_consumer_key(config)
if params !== "" and params !== :nil and method in [:post, :put], do: params = Poison.encode!(params)
opts = [app_secret(config), consumer_key, Atom.to_string(method), uri, params]
options = %{ body: params, headers: headers(opts, client), timeout: @timeout }
{method, uri, options}
# Private
defp headers([app_secret, app_key, consumer_key, method, uri, body] = opts, client) do
time = :os.system_time(:seconds) + Cache.get_time_diff(client)
"X-Ovh-Application": app_key,
"X-Ovh-Consumer": consumer_key,
"X-Ovh-Timestamp": time,
"X-Ovh-Signature": sign_request([app_secret, consumer_key, String.upcase(method), uri, body, time])
defp sign_request([app_secret, consumer_key, method, uri, body, time] = opts) do
pre_hash = Enum.join(opts, "+") |> LoggingUtils.log_return(:debug)
post_hash = :crypto.hash(:sha, pre_hash) |> Base.encode16(case: :lower)
"$1$" <> post_hash
defp config(), do: Cache.get_config(ExOvh)
defp config(client), do: Cache.get_config(client)
defp endpoint(config), do: Defaults.endpoints()[config[:endpoint]]
defp api_version(config), do: config[:api_version]
defp uri(config, uri), do: endpoint(config) <> api_version(config) <> uri
defp app_secret(config), do: config[:application_secret]
defp app_key(config), do: config[:application_key]
defp get_consumer_key(config), do: config[:consumer_key]