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defmodule ExOvh.Hubic.Request do
@moduledoc ~S"""
Houses the `request` function which delegates the function call to the appropriate
module & function depending on the `opts` key-values.
Hubic uses it's own custom api and also separate Openstack compliant apis so
and these apis are quite different.
Therefore, the request needs to be routed to the correct `request` function so
that the correct auth credentials are put into the `options_t` in the returned
`ExOvh.Client.query_t` query tuple.
## Examples of what some delegation depending on opts
ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{} = opts)
ExOvh.Hubic.HubicApi.Request.request(ExOvh, query, opts)
ExOvh.hubic_request(query, %{ openstack: :true } = opts)
ExOvh.Hubic.OpenstackApi.Request.request(ExOvh, query, opts)
## Subsequent Request modules
The subsequent request functions process the request by
1. Calling the appropriate `prepare_request` function which has been delegated to.
2. Making the actual request with `HTTPotion`
3. Returning the response as `{:ok, response_t}` or `{:error, response_t}`
alias ExOvh.Hubic.HubicApi.Request, as: Hub
alias ExOvh.Hubic.OpenstackApi.Request, as: Open
@doc ~S"""
Delegates the function call to the appropriate module & function depending on the `opts` key-values.
Subsequent request functions return `{:ok, response_t}` or `{:error, response_t}`
## Options
{ } = opts
The function call will be delegated to `ExOvh.Hubic.HubicApi.Request` and processed as a hubic api request.
{ openstack: :true } = opts
The function call will be delegated to `ExOvh.Hubic.OpenstackApi.Request`.
`openstack: :true` - boolean - indicates whether the request is an openstack one or not.
@spec request(client :: atom, query :: ExOvh.Client.raw_query_t, opts :: map)
:: {:ok, ExOvh.Client.response_t} | {:error, ExOvh.Client.response_t}
def request(client, {method, uri, params} = query, %{ openstack: :true } = opts) do
Open.request(client, query)
def request(client, {method, uri, params} = query, opts) do
Hub.request(client, query)