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defmodule ExOvh.Client do
alias LoggingUtils
alias ExOvh.Defaults
defmacro __using__(opts) do
quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do
@otp_app opts[:otp_app] || :ex_ovh
if(@otp_app !== :ex_ovh) do
def config(), do: Application.get_env(@otp_app, __MODULE__) |> Enum.into(%{})
def config(), do: Application.get_all_env(@otp_app) |> Enum.into(%{})
def start_link(opts \\ []) do
LoggingUtils.log_mod_func_line(__ENV__, :debug)
ExOvh.Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, config(), opts)
def ovh_request(method, uri, params, signed \\ :true) do
LoggingUtils.log_mod_func_line(__ENV__, :debug)
ExOvh.Ovh.Request.request(__MODULE__, method, uri, params, signed)
def ovh_prep_request(method, uri, params, signed \\ :true) do
LoggingUtils.log_mod_func_line(__ENV__, :debug)
ExOvh.Ovh.Auth.prep_request(__MODULE__, method, uri, params, signed)
@doc """
Starts the ovh and the hubic supervisors.
@callback start_link() :: :ok | {:error, {:already_started, pid}} | {:error, term}
@doc ~s"""
Makes a request to the ovh api.
Returns a map `%{ body: <body>, headers: [<headers>], status_code: <code>}`
@callback ovh_request(method :: atom, uri :: string, params :: map, signed :: boolean) :: map
@doc ~s"""
Prepares all elements necessary prior to making a request to the ovh api.
Returns a tuple `{method, uri, options}`
@callback ovh_prep_request(method :: atom, uri :: String.t, params :: map, signed :: boolean) :: tuple