1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265
defmodule ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query do
@moduledoc ~s"""
Helper functions for building queries directed at the cloudstorage related parts of the `/cloud` requests.
See `ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Query` for generic cloud requests.
## Functions Summary
| Function | Description | OVH API call |
| `get_containers/1` | <small>Get containers for a given swift tenant id (project id or ovh service name)</small> | <sub><sup>GET /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage </sup></sub> |
| `create_container/3` | <small>Create a container for a given tenant_id (ovh service_name), a container and a region.</small> | <sub><sup>POST /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage</sup></sub> |
| `get_access/1` | <small>Get access details for the Swift API for a given swift tenant_id (ovh service_name)</small> | <sub><sup>GET /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/access</sup></sub> |
| `container_info/2` | <small>Gets details about a container such as objects, size, region, public or not, static_url, name, ...</small> | <sub><sup>GET /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}</sup></sub> |
| `delete_container/2` | <small>Deletes a given container.</small> | <sub><sup>DELETE /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}</sup></sub> |
| `modify_container_cors/3` | <small>Modify the CORS settings for a container. See [swift docs](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/cors.html)</small> | <sub><sup>POST /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}/cors Add CORS support on your container</sup></sub> |
| `deploy_container_as_static_website/2` | <small>Deploy the container files as a static web site.</small> | <sub><sup>POST /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}/static</sup></sub> |
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.get_containers(service_name) |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
alias ExOvh.Ovh.Query
@doc ~s"""
Get storage containers
## Api call
GET /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage
## Arguments
- `service_name`: service name for the ovh cloud service
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.get_containers(service_name) |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
@spec get_containers(String.t) :: Query.t
def get_containers(service_name) do
method: :get,
uri: "/cloud/project/#{service_name}/storage",
params: :nil
@doc ~s"""
Create container
## Api call
POST /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage
## Arguments
- `service_name`: service name for the ovh cloud service
- `container_name`: name for the new container
- `region`: region for the new container, defaults to "SBG1". See regions by running:
Currently can choose from "GRA1", "BHS1", "SBG1".
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.create_container(service_name, "test_container") |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
@spec create_container(String.t, String.t, String.t) :: Query.t
def create_container(service_name, container_name, region \\ "SBG1") do
# POST /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage Create container
method: :post,
uri: "/cloud/project/#{service_name}/storage",
params: %{
"containerName" => container_name,
"region" => region
} |> Poison.encode!()
@doc ~s"""
Gets the x_auth_token and the swift endpoints for a given tenant_id (ovh service_name). A different endpoint is returned
depending on the region. Examples of regions include "BHS1", "SBG1", "GRA1". With these details, requests can be made through
the Swift api.
## Api call
GET /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/access
## Arguments
- `service_name`: service name for the ovh cloud service
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.get_access(service_name) |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
@spec get_access(String.t) :: Query.t
def get_access(service_name) do
method: :get,
uri: "/cloud/project/#{service_name}/storage/access",
params: :nil
@doc ~s"""
Gets the details for a given container.
Returns information such as a list of objects in the container, size of the container, whether the container is public
or not, the region of the container, the name of the container, the number of stored objects for the container and the
static url for the container.
## Api call
GET /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}
## Arguments
- `service_name`: service name for the ovh cloud service
- `container_id`: container_id for a given container. *Note*: this is not the same as the container_name.
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.container_info(service_name, container_id) |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
@spec container_info(String.t, String.t) :: Query.t
def container_info(service_name, container_id) do
method: :get,
uri: "/cloud/project/#{service_name}/storage/#{container_id}",
params: :nil
@doc ~s"""
Deletes a given container.
*Note:* container_d is not the same as container_name.
## Api call
DELETE /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}
## Arguments
- `service_name`: service name for the ovh cloud service
- `container_id`: container_id for a given container. *Note*: this is not the same as the container_name.
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.delete_container(service_name, container_id) |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
@spec delete_container(String.t, String.t) :: Query.t
def delete_container(service_name, container_id) do
method: :delete,
uri: "/cloud/project/#{service_name}/storage/#{container_id}",
params: :nil
@doc ~s"""
Modify CORS settings for a container.
Modifies the container metadata such that cross origin requests can be permitted.
See [CORS section of swift docs](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/cors.html) for more info. Ans see here for more
on [CORS in general](http://enable-cors.org/resources.html)
| Metadata | Use |
| --- | --- |
| X-Container-Meta-Access-Control-Allow-Origin | Origins to be allowed to make Cross Origin Requests, space separated. |
*Note:* container_d is not the same as container_name.
## Api call
DELETE /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}
## Arguments
- `service_name`: service name for the ovh cloud service
- `container_id`: container_id for a given container. *Note*: this is not the same as the container_name.
- `origin`: an origin that may make cross origin requests to the container. Defaults to `{}` (none) if left absent.
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.modify_container_cors(service_name, container_id, "http://localhost:4001/") |> ExOvh.Ovh.prepare_request() |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
## Notes
To get a full overview of the container details with all metadata, the Swift client should be used. To see the changes, try running the following
command for the `container_name` associated with this `container_id`. In fact, the OVH functions are not really required, most changes can be made directly
using queries sent via the `Swift.Cloudstorage` client.
account = ExOvh.Swift.Cloudstorage.account()
container = "test_container"
Openstex.Swift.V1.Query.container_info(container, account) |> ExOvh.Swift.Cloudstorage.request!() |> Map.get(:headers) |> Map.get("X-Container-Meta-Access-Control-Allow-Origin")
@spec modify_container_cors(String.t, String.t, String.t) :: Query.t
def modify_container_cors(service_name, container_id, origin \\ {}) do
method: :post,
uri: "/cloud/project/#{service_name}/storage/#{container_id}/cors",
params: %{
"origin" => origin
} |> Poison.encode!()
@doc ~s"""
Deploy a container as a static website.
Modifies the ACL settings for a container on the "X-Container-Read" header and also other container metadata.
See [swift auth docs](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/overview_auth.html),
[swift acl middleware](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/misc.html#module-swift.common.middleware.acl)
and [swift account middleware](http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/middleware.html#module-swift.common.middleware.tempauth)
for more information.
## Api call
POST /cloud/project/{serviceName}/storage/{containerId}/static
## Arguments
- `service_name`: service name for the ovh cloud service
- `container_id`: container_id for a given container. *Note*: this is not the same as the container_name.
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Cloud.Cloudstorage.Query.modify_container_cors(service_name, container_id, "http://localhost:4001/") |> ExOvh.Ovh.prepare_request() |> ExOvh.Ovh.request!()
## Notes
To get a full overview of the container details with all metadata, the Swift client should be used. To see the changes, try running the following
command for the `container_name` associated with this `container_id`. In fact, the OVH functions are not really required, most changes can be made directly
using queries sent via the `Swift.Cloudstorage` client.
account = ExOvh.Swift.Cloudstorage.account()
container = "test_container"
Openstex.Swift.V1.Query.container_info(container, account) |> ExOvh.Swift.Cloudstorage.request!() |> Map.get(:headers)
@spec deploy_container_as_static_website(String.t, String.t) :: Query.t
def deploy_container_as_static_website(service_name, container_id) do
method: :post,
uri: "/cloud/project/#{service_name}/storage/#{container_id}/static",
params: :nil