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defmodule ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Webstorage.Query do
@moduledoc ~s"""
Helper functions for building `queries directed at the `/cdn/webstorage` part of the custom ovh api.
## Functions Summary
| Function | Description | OVH API call |
| `get_services/0` | <small>Get a list of all webstorage cdn services.</small> | <sub><sup>GET /v1/cdn/webstorage</sup></sub> |
| `get_service/1` | <small>Get the domain, server and storage limits for a specific webstorage cdn service</small> | <sub><sup>GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}</sup></sub> |
| `get_service_info/1` | <small>Get a administrative details for a specific webstorage cdn service</small> | <sub><sup>GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}/serviceInfos</sup></sub> |
| `get_service_stats/2` | <small>Get statistics for a specific webstorage cdn service</small> | <sub><sup>GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}/statistics</sup></sub> |
| `get_credentials/1` | <small>Get credentials for using the swift compliant api</small> | <sub><sup>GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}/statistics</sup></sub> |
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Webstorage.Query.get_all_webstorage() |> ExOvh.Ovh.request()
alias ExOvh.Ovh.Query
@doc ~s"""
Get a list of all webstorage cdn services available for the client account
## Api call
GET /v1/cdn/webstorage
## Example
ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Webstorage.Query. get_services() |> ExOvh.Ovh.request()
@spec get_services() :: Query.t
def get_services() do
method: :get,
uri: "/cdn/webstorage",
params: :nil
@doc ~s"""
Get the domain, server and storage limits for a specific webstorage cdn service
## Api call
GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}
## Arguments
- `service_name`: Name of the Webstorage CDN service - assigned by OVH.
## Example
alias ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Webstorage.Query
service_name = "cdnwebstorage-????"
query = Query.get_service(service_name)
{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.Ovh.request(query)
"domain" => domain,
"storageLimit => storage_limit,
"server" => server
} = resp.body
@spec get_service(String.t) :: Query.t
def get_service(service_name) do
method: :get,
uri: "/cdn/webstorage/",
params: service_name
@doc ~s"""
Get a administrative details for a specific webstorage cdn service
## Api call
GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}/serviceInfos
## Arguments
- `service_name`: Name of the Webstorage CDN service - assigned by OVH.
## Example
alias ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Webstorage.Query
service_name = "cdnwebstorage-????"
{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.Ovh.request(query)
@spec get_service_info(String.t) :: Query.t
def get_service_info(service_name) do
method: :get,
uri: "/cdn/webstorage/#{service_name}/serviceInfos",
params: :nil
@doc ~s"""
Get statistics for a specific webstorage cdn service
## Api call
GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}/statistics
## Arguments
- `service_name`: Name of the Webstorage CDN service - assigned by OVH.
- `options`:
- `period can be "month", "week" or "day"`
- `type can be "backend", "quota" or "cdn"`
## Example
alias ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Webstorage.Query
service_name = "cdnwebstorage-????"
query = Query.get_service_stats(service_name, [period: "month", type: "backend"])
{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.Ovh.request(query)
@spec get_service_stats(String.t, Keyword.t) :: Query.t
def get_service_stats(service_name, opts \\ []) do
period = Keyword.get(opts, "period", "month")
type = Keyword.get(opts, "type", "cdn")
method: :get,
uri: "/cdn/webstorage/#{service_name}/statistics",
params: %{"period" => period, "type" => type}
@doc ~s"""
Get credentials for using the swift compliant api
## Api call
GET /v1/cdn/webstorage/{serviceName}/credentials
## Arguments
- `service_name`: Name of the Webstorage CDN service - assigned by OVH.
## Example
alias ExOvh.Ovh.V1.Webstorage.Query
service_name = "cdnwebstorage-????"
query = Query.get_webstorage_credentials(service_name)
{:ok, resp} = ExOvh.Ovh.request(query)
@spec get_credentials(String.t) :: ExOvh.Query.Ovh.t
def get_credentials(service_name) do
method: :get,
uri: "/cdn/webstorage/#{service_name}/credentials",
params: :nil