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defmodule ExOvh.Supervisor do
@moduledoc :false
use Supervisor
alias ExOvh.Ovh.Defaults
alias ExOvh.Auth.Ovh.Cache, as: OvhCache
alias ExOvh.Auth.Openstack.Swift.Cache, as: SwiftCache
# Public
def start_link(client, opts) do
Og.context(__ENV__, :debug)
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, client, [name: client])
# Callbacks
def init(client) do
Og.context(__ENV__, :debug)
webstorage_config = Keyword.get(client.config(), :swift, []) |> Keyword.get(:webstorage, :nil)
cloudstorage_config = Keyword.get(client.config(), :swift, []) |> Keyword.get(:cloudstorage, :nil)
|> Keyword.merge(Defaults.cloudstorage(), fn(_k, v1, v2) -> if v1 == :nil, do: v2, else: v1 end)
ovh_client = Module.concat(client, Ovh)
sup_tree = [
{ovh_client, {OvhCache, :start_link, [ovh_client]}, :permanent, 10_000, :worker, [OvhCache]}
sup_tree =
case webstorage_config do
:nil ->
Og.log("No webstorage config found. Skipping initiation of OVH webstorage cdn service", :debug)
webstorage_config ->
webstorage_client = Module.concat(client, Swift.Webstorage)
sup_tree ++
[{webstorage_client, {SwiftCache, :start_link, [{ovh_client, webstorage_client}]}, :permanent, 10_000, :worker, [SwiftCache]}]
sup_tree =
case cloudstorage_config do
:nil ->
Og.log("No cloudstorage config found. Skipping initiation of OVH cloudstorage service", :debug)
cloudstorage_config ->
cloudstorage_client = Module.concat(client, Swift.Cloudstorage)
sup_tree ++
[{cloudstorage_client, {SwiftCache, :start_link, [{ovh_client, cloudstorage_client}]}, :permanent, 10_000, :worker, [SwiftCache]}]
supervise(sup_tree, strategy: :one_for_one, max_restarts: 30)