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use Mix.Config
config :ex_doc, :markdown_processor, ExDoc.Markdown.Hoedown
config :logger,
backends: [:console],
compile_time_purge_level: :debug
config :openstex,
httpoison: [
connect_timeout: 30000, # 30 seconds
receive_timeout: (60000 * 30) # 30 minutes
config :ex_ovh,
ovh: [
application_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_KEY"),
application_secret: System.get_env("EX_OVH_APPLICATION_SECRET"),
consumer_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CONSUMER_KEY"),
endpoint: System.get_env("EX_OVH_ENDPOINT"),
api_version: System.get_env("EX_OVH_API_VERSION") || "1.0"
swift: [
webstorage: [
cdn_name: System.get_env("EX_OVH_WEBSTORAGE_CDN_NAME"),
type: :webstorage
cloudstorage: [
tenant_id: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CLOUDSTORAGE_TENANT_ID"), # mandatory, corresponds to a project id
user_id: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CLOUDSTORAGE_USER_ID"), # optional, if absent a user will be created using the ovh api.
temp_url_key: System.get_env("EX_OVH_CLOUDSTORAGE_TEMP_URL_KEY"), # defaults to :nil if absent and won't be added if == :nil.
keystone_endpoint: "https://auth.cloud.ovh.net/v2.0", # default endpoint for keystone (identity) auth
region: :nil, # defaults to "SBG1" if set to :nil
type: :cloudstorage