Hash :
Author :
Date :
Fixed many libgit2 free function calls. Added configure for supporting Linux. Tested on PopOS 22.04 and Fedora 32. Instrumented erl_nif.h . Debugged using valgrind and ASan. @author Jean-Cyprien Roux @author Baptiste Le Glaunec ok thodg@kmx.io
<%= render("show_branch.html", assigns) %>
<%= if @git.log1 do %>
<%= render("show_commit_message.html", assigns) %>
<% end %>
<%= if String.match?(@git.content_type, ~r(^text/)) do %>
<%= if @git.markdown_html do %>
<div class="content_html">
<%= raw @git.markdown_html %>
<h3><%= gettext "Source" %></h3>
<% end %>
<%= render("show_git_content_text.html", assigns) %>
<% end %>
<%= if String.match?(@git.content_type, ~r(^image/)) do %>
<img src={"data:#{@git.content_type};base64,#{Base.encode64(@git.content)}"}/>
<% end %>
<%= link gettext("Download"), to: Routes.repository_path(@conn, :show, Repository.owner_slug(@repo), Repository.splat(@repo, ["_blob", @tree | String.split(@path, "/")])), class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<%= if Mix.env == :dev do %>
<%= hd(@git.files).sha1 %>
<% end %>