Hash :
Author :
Thomas de Grivel
Date :
mix phx.gen.auth
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defmodule KmxgitWeb.UserSettingsControllerTest do
use KmxgitWeb.ConnCase, async: true
alias Kmxgit.UserManager
import Kmxgit.UserManagerFixtures
setup :register_and_log_in_user
describe "GET /users/settings" do
test "renders settings page", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :edit))
response = html_response(conn, 200)
assert response =~ "<h1>Settings</h1>"
test "redirects if user is not logged in" do
conn = build_conn()
conn = get(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :edit))
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.user_session_path(conn, :new)
describe "PUT /users/settings (change password form)" do
test "updates the user password and resets tokens", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
new_password_conn =
put(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :update), %{
"action" => "update_password",
"current_password" => valid_user_password(),
"user" => %{
"password" => "new valid password",
"password_confirmation" => "new valid password"
assert redirected_to(new_password_conn) == Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :edit)
assert get_session(new_password_conn, :user_token) != get_session(conn, :user_token)
assert get_flash(new_password_conn, :info) =~ "Password updated successfully"
assert UserManager.get_user_by_email_and_password(user.email, "new valid password")
test "does not update password on invalid data", %{conn: conn} do
old_password_conn =
put(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :update), %{
"action" => "update_password",
"current_password" => "invalid",
"user" => %{
"password" => "too short",
"password_confirmation" => "does not match"
response = html_response(old_password_conn, 200)
assert response =~ "<h1>Settings</h1>"
assert response =~ "should be at least 12 character(s)"
assert response =~ "does not match password"
assert response =~ "is not valid"
assert get_session(old_password_conn, :user_token) == get_session(conn, :user_token)
describe "PUT /users/settings (change email form)" do
@tag :capture_log
test "updates the user email", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn =
put(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :update), %{
"action" => "update_email",
"current_password" => valid_user_password(),
"user" => %{"email" => unique_user_email()}
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :edit)
assert get_flash(conn, :info) =~ "A link to confirm your email"
assert UserManager.get_user_by_email(user.email)
test "does not update email on invalid data", %{conn: conn} do
conn =
put(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :update), %{
"action" => "update_email",
"current_password" => "invalid",
"user" => %{"email" => "with spaces"}
response = html_response(conn, 200)
assert response =~ "<h1>Settings</h1>"
assert response =~ "must have the @ sign and no spaces"
assert response =~ "is not valid"
describe "GET /users/settings/confirm_email/:token" do
setup %{user: user} do
email = unique_user_email()
token =
extract_user_token(fn url ->
UserManager.deliver_update_email_instructions(%{user | email: email}, user.email, url)
%{token: token, email: email}
test "updates the user email once", %{conn: conn, user: user, token: token, email: email} do
conn = get(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :confirm_email, token))
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :edit)
assert get_flash(conn, :info) =~ "Email changed successfully"
refute UserManager.get_user_by_email(user.email)
assert UserManager.get_user_by_email(email)
conn = get(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :confirm_email, token))
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :edit)
assert get_flash(conn, :error) =~ "Email change link is invalid or it has expired"
test "does not update email with invalid token", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
conn = get(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :confirm_email, "oops"))
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :edit)
assert get_flash(conn, :error) =~ "Email change link is invalid or it has expired"
assert UserManager.get_user_by_email(user.email)
test "redirects if user is not logged in", %{token: token} do
conn = build_conn()
conn = get(conn, Routes.user_settings_path(conn, :confirm_email, token))
assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.user_session_path(conn, :new)