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Update contact information Remove obsolete email addresses and add OpenBIOS mailing list information. Signed-off-by: Stefan Reinauer <stefan.reinauer@coreboot.org>
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toke -v -i -I. -I.. MiscFeatErrs.fth
Welcome to toke - OpenBIOS tokenizer v1.0.2
(C) Copyright 2001-2006 Stefan Reinauer.
(C) Copyright 2006 coresystems GmbH
(C) Copyright 2005 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License v2. This program has absolutely no warranty.
Tokenizer Compiled on PPC under GNU_Linux
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 at 13:20:18 CDT
. ..
Tokenizing MiscFeatErrs.fth Binary output to MiscFeatErrs.fc
Advisory: File was found in ./MiscFeatErrs.fth
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 4. Enabling: Support IBM-style Local Values ("LV"s)
Message: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 5. This is a test
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 6. FCODE-VERSION1 encountered; processing...
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 6. (Output Position = 8). Using version1 header (8-bit offsets).
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 8. (Output Position = 8). Initiating Global Scope definitions.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 12. (Output Position = 38). Terminating Global Scope definitions; resuming Device-node definitions.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 14. (Output Position = 38). FLOADing TotalLocalValuesSupport.fth
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 14. (Output Position = 38). Could not access input file TotalLocalValuesSupport.fth
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 18. (Output Position = 41). The word [CHAR] should not be used outside of a colon definition. Use CHAR instead.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 21. (Output Position = 59). Duplicate definition: bell already exists as a CONSTANT in the core vocabulary.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 22. (Output Position = 68). The word CHAR should not be used inside of a colon definition. Use [CHAR] instead.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 29. (Output Position = 84). The word RECURSIVE should not be used outside of a colon definition.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 32. (Output Position = 104). Cannot apply TO to BELL , which is defined as a COLON.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 33. (Output Position = 112). Word factl is not in dictionary.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 36. (Output Position = 115). Initiating Global Scope definitions.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 37. (Output Position = 115). Duplicate definition: bell already exists as a CONSTANT in the core vocabulary.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 39. (Output Position = 115). Terminating Global Scope definitions; resuming Device-node definitions.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 41. (Output Position = 115). Switching to 16-bit offsets.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 42. (Output Position = 118). Call of OFFSET16 is redundant.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 43. (Output Position = 119). Duplicate definition: factl already exists as a COLON in the top-level device-node, which began on line 6
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 45. (Output Position = 142). Cannot apply TO to BELL , which is defined as a COLON.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 49. (Output Position = 156). The word RECURSE should not be used outside of a colon definition.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 50. (Output Position = 156). Duplicate definition: bell already exists as a COLON in the top-level device-node, which began on line 6
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 52. (Output Position = 180). Cannot apply TO to BELL , which is defined as a COLON.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 56. (Output Position = 196). I outside of DO ... LOOP structure in definition of CUSSED , which started on line 55
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 57. (Output Position = 197). J outside of DO ... DO ... LOOP ... LOOP structure in definition of CUSSED , which started on line 55
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 63. (Output Position = 274). Word {push-locals} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 65. (Output Position = 286). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 65. (Output Position = 288). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 65. (Output Position = 293). Cannot apply -> to d, only to a declared Local.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 65. (Output Position = 293). Word d is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 66. (Output Position = 294). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 66. (Output Position = 296). Cannot apply TO to _E , which is defined as a Local Value name.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 66. (Output Position = 301). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 67. (Output Position = 303). J outside of DO ... DO ... LOOP ... LOOP structure in definition of TRUSSED , which started on line 62
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 68. (Output Position = 307). Cannot apply ['] to _A , which is defined as a Local Value name.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 68. (Output Position = 308). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 69. (Output Position = 309). Cannot apply f['] to _E , which is defined as a Local Value name.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 69. (Output Position = 314). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 70. (Output Position = 315). Cannot apply f['] to _B , which is defined as a Local Value name.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 70. (Output Position = 315). The word _b is not recognized in tokenizer-escape mode.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 70. (Output Position = 315). _b is defined as a Local Value name.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 71. (Output Position = 315). Emitting FCode value of 0x47
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 72. (Output Position = 316). Attempt to emit FCode value of 0xf, which violates limit specified by IEEE-1275. Disallowing.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 73. (Output Position = 317). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 73. (Output Position = 319). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 73. (Output Position = 322). Word _{local} is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 73. (Output Position = 324). Operator ['] expects its target on the same line
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 75. (Output Position = 373). Word {pop-locals} is not in dictionary.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 78. (Output Position = 374). Duplicate definition: DMA-ALLOC already exists in the core vocabulary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 90. (Output Position = 514). Cannot apply ['] to BOGUS-CASE .
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 90. (Output Position = 514). Word bogus-case is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 96. (Output Position = 536). The word SEMICOLON should not be used outside of a colon definition.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 98. (Output Position = 536). Encountered new-device. Starting new device-node.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 100. (Output Position = 548). Word bells is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 101. (Output Position = 548). Word factl is not in dictionary.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 101. (Output Position = 548). factl is defined as a COLON in the top-level device-node, which began on line 6
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 102. (Output Position = 548). Word yell is not in dictionary.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 102. (Output Position = 548). yell is defined as a MACRO in the top-level device-node, which began on line 6
Message: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 103. (Output Position = 548). Beep-Beep Yu Rass!
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 104. (Output Position = 553). Cannot apply TO to SWELL , which is defined as a MACRO.
Message: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 104. (Output Position = 553). Beep-Beep Yu Rass!
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 106. (Output Position = 554). Encountered finish-device. Resetting definitions of device node that started on line 98
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 106. (Output Position = 554). Resuming definitions since start of tokenization.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 118. (Output Position = 676). Operator F['] expects its target on the same line
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 120. (Output Position = 682). Cannot apply f['] to MOOGOOGAIPAN .
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 120. (Output Position = 682). Word MooGooGaiPan is not in dictionary.
Message: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 121. (Output Position = 682). Just when you thought it couldn't get any wierder...
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 123. (Output Position = 694). Substituting TO for deprecated IS
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 124. (Output Position = 697). The word OVERLOAD should not be used inside of a colon definition.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 125. (Output Position = 706). Substituting TO for deprecated IS
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 126. (Output Position = 714). Substituting TO for deprecated IS
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 126. (Output Position = 714). Applying IS to a VARIABLE (naught) is not recommended; use ! instead.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 127. (Output Position = 722). Cannot apply TO to FIFTY , which is defined as a CONSTANT.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 128. (Output Position = 730). Cannot apply TO to THREE , which is defined as a CREATE.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 129. (Output Position = 737). Substituting TO for deprecated IS
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 129. (Output Position = 737). Cannot apply IS to >FOUR , which is defined as a FIELD.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 130. (Output Position = 744). Cannot apply TO to FORTY , which is defined as a BUFFER.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 131. (Output Position = 751). Cannot apply TO to NINETY .
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 131. (Output Position = 751). Word ninety is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 132. (Output Position = 756). Cannot apply TO to NOOP .
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 134. (Output Position = 762). Cannot apply ['] to 3DROP , which is defined as a MACRO.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 135. (Output Position = 767). Cannot apply ['] to NINETY .
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 135. (Output Position = 767). Word ninety is not in dictionary.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 138. (Output Position = 771). Duplicate definition: thirty already exists as a VALUE in the top-level device-node, which began on line 6
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 141. (Output Position = 786). ALIAS during colon-definition is not supported by IEEE 1275-1994
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 141. (Output Position = 786). Operator ALIAS expects its target on the same line
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 143. (Output Position = 807). Word .dec is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 147. (Output Position = 818). Word twenty is not in dictionary.
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 150. (Output Position = 818). ALIAS during colon-definition is not supported by IEEE 1275-1994
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 150. (Output Position = 818). Operator ALIAS expects its target on the same line
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 151. (Output Position = 818). Word .x is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 152. (Output Position = 818). The word .h is not recognized in tokenizer-escape mode.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 152. (Output Position = 818). .h is defined as a MACRO in the core vocabulary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 154. (Output Position = 823). Word .x is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 160. (Output Position = 849). The word five-seventeen is only recognized in tokenizer-escape mode.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 161. (Output Position = 854). Cannot apply TO to ?LEAVE , which is defined as a MACRO.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 161. (Output Position = 858). LEAVE outside of DO ... LOOP structure in definition of PLOOP , which started on line 156
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 162. (Output Position = 864). Cannot apply TO to (.) , which is defined as a MACRO.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 163. (Output Position = 871). Cannot apply ['] to 3DROP , which is defined as a MACRO.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 164. (Output Position = 873). Cannot apply TO to SPACES , which is defined as a MACRO.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 165. (Output Position = 884). Cannot apply f['] to EXTERNAL .
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 166. (Output Position = 884). Cannot apply TO to ABS .
Warning: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 168. (Output Position = 890). Applying TO to a VARIABLE (base) is not recommended; use ! instead.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 174. (Output Position = 893). Word emit-date is not in dictionary.
Error: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 175. (Output Position = 893). Word fedt is not in dictionary.
Advisory: File MiscFeatErrs.fth, Line 180. (Output Position = 913). FCODE-END encountered; processing...
toke: checksum is 0x01dc (914 bytes). Last assigned FCode = 0x81a
Tokenization Completed. 67 Errors, 14 Warnings, 23 Advisories, 4 Messages.
Error-detection over-ridden; producing binary output.
toke: wrote 914 bytes to bytecode file 'MiscFeatErrs.fc'