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commit testlogs git-svn-id: svn://coreboot.org/openbios/fcode-utils@110 f158a5a8-5612-0410-a976-696ce0be7e32
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toke -v -i -l -P -I .. -I ../TokBrack -I ../TokMisc -I ../TokeCommon -I ../TokoLoco -I ../TokCondl -I ../TokProdCpy -I ../TokeErrs -I /home/dlpaktor/HeyVern/DoYuhThink/ThisIsA/LongEnuffPathName/To/Make/The/Line/Really/Overflow -I . -I /home/dlpaktor/Hey/Vern/This/Path/Just/Fills/Up/TheLine/KnowWhudI/Mean -I ../TokeCommon -f noAbort-quote InclLst.fth
Welcome to toke - OpenBIOS tokenizer v1.0.2
(C) Copyright 2001-2006 Stefan Reinauer.
(C) Copyright 2006 coresystems GmbH <info@coresystems.de>
(C) Copyright 2005 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License v2. This program has absolutely no warranty.
Tokenizer Compiled on PPC under GNU_Linux
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 at 13:20:18 CDT
Special-Feature Flag settings:
.. ../TokBrack ../TokMisc ../TokeCommon ../TokoLoco ../TokCondl
../TokProdCpy ../TokeErrs
. /home/dlpaktor/Hey/Vern/This/Path/Just/Fills/Up/TheLine/KnowWhudI/Mean
Tokenizing InclLst.fth Binary output to InclLst.fc FLoad-list to InclLst.fl Dependency-list to InclLst.P
Advisory: File was found in ../TokeErrs/InclLst.fth
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 7. FCODE-VERSION2 encountered; processing...
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 13. (Output Position = 22). FLOADing OneBeer.fth
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 13. (Output Position = 22). File was found in ../TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth
Message: File OneBeer.fth, Line 1. (Output Position = 22). Starting out with one Bottle of Beer on the wall
Message: File InclLst.fth, Line 16. (Output Position = 220). Fload a NonExistent file
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 17. (Output Position = 220). FLOADing NonExist.fth
Error: File InclLst.fth, Line 17. (Output Position = 220). Could not access input file NonExist.fth
Message: File InclLst.fth, Line 18. (Output Position = 220). Fload an Unreadable file (No read Permissions)
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 19. (Output Position = 220). FLOADing MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth
Error: File InclLst.fth, Line 19. (Output Position = 220). Could not open file MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth for input.
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 19. (Output Position = 220). File was found in ../TokeCommon/MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth
Message: File InclLst.fth, Line 20. (Output Position = 220). Fload a Zero-Length file (extension doesn't matter...)
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 21. (Output Position = 220). FLOADing ZeroLen.bin
Error: File InclLst.fth, Line 21. (Output Position = 220). Could not read input file ZeroLen.bin
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 21. (Output Position = 220). File was found in ../TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 25. (Output Position = 234). ENCODing File BinData.bin
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 25. (Output Position = 234). File was found in ../TokeCommon/BinData.bin
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 25. (Output Position = 1200). ENCODed 944 bytes.
Message: File InclLst.fth, Line 29. (Output Position = 1215). Encode a NonExistent file
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 30. (Output Position = 1215). ENCODing File NonExist.bin
Error: File InclLst.fth, Line 30. (Output Position = 1215). Failed to open file NonExist.bin for encoding
Message: File InclLst.fth, Line 31. (Output Position = 1215). Encode an Unreadable file (No read Permissions)
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 32. (Output Position = 1215). ENCODing File NoRead.bin
Error: File InclLst.fth, Line 32. (Output Position = 1215). Failed to open file NoRead.bin for encoding
Message: File InclLst.fth, Line 34. (Output Position = 1215). Encode with intentional syntax error
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 35. (Output Position = 1215). ENCODing File ${PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin
sh: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `}'
sh: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Error: File InclLst.fth, Line 35. (Output Position = 1215). Expansion Syntax.
Error: File InclLst.fth, Line 35. (Output Position = 1215). Failed to open file ${PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin for encoding
Message: File InclLst.fth, Line 37. (Output Position = 1215). Encode a Zero length data file
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 39. (Output Position = 1229). ENCODing File ZeroLen.bin
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 39. (Output Position = 1229). File was found in ../TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 39. (Output Position = 1229). ENCODed 0 bytes.
Advisory: File InclLst.fth, Line 43. (Output Position = 1246). FCODE-END encountered; processing...
toke: checksum is 0x17a0 (1247 bytes). No FCodes assigned.
Tokenization Completed. 7 Errors, 19 Advisories, 8 Messages.
Error-detection over-ridden; producing binary output.
toke: wrote 1247 bytes to bytecode file 'InclLst.fc'