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moving fcode suite to an extra directory git-svn-id: svn://coreboot.org/openbios/fcode-utils@74 f158a5a8-5612-0410-a976-696ce0be7e32
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\ Common code for SCSI host adapter drivers
\ The following code is intended to be independent of the details of the
\ SCSI hardware implementation. It is loaded after the hardware-dependent
\ file that defines execute-command, set-address, open-hardware, etc.
-1 value inq-buf \ Address of inquiry data buffer
-1 value sense-buf \ Holds extended error information
0 value #retries ( -- n ) \ number of times to retry SCSI transaction
\ Classifies the sense condition as either okay (0), retryable (1),
\ or non-retryable (-1)
: classify-sense ( -- 0 | 1 | -1 )
\ Make sure we understand the error class code.
dup c@ h# 7f and h# 70 <> if drop -1 exit then
\ Check for filemark, end-of-media, or illegal block length.
dup 2+ c@ h# e0 and if drop -1 exit then
2 + c@ h# f and ( sense-key )
\ no_sense(0) and recoverable(1) are okay.
dup 1 <= if drop 0 exit then ( sense-key )
\ not-ready(2) and attention(6) are retryable.
dup 2 = swap 6 = or if 1 else -1 then
0 value open-count
\ The SCSI device node defines an address space for its children. That
\ address space is of the form "target#,unit#". target# and unit# are
\ both integers. parse-2int converts a text string (e.g., "3,4") into
\ a pair of binary integers.
: decode-unit ( addr len -- unit# target# ) parse-2int ;
: open ( -- okay? )
open-count if
reopen-hardware dup if open-count 1+ to open-count then
open-hardware dup if
1 to open-count
100 dma-alloc to sense-buf
100 dma-alloc to inq-buf
: close ( -- )
open-count 1- to open-count
open-count if
inq-buf 100 dma-free
sense-buf 100 dma-free
create sense-cmd 3 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, ff c, 0 c,
: get-sense ( -- ) \ Issue REQUEST SENSE, which is not supposed to fail.
sense-buf ff true sense-cmd 6 execute-command 0= if drop then
\ Give the device a little time to recover before retrying the command.
: delay-retry ( -- ) 1000 0 do loop ;
0 value statbyte \ Local variable used by retry?
\ RETRY? is used by RETRY-COMMAND to determine whether or not to retry the
\ command, considering the following factors:
\ - Success or failure of the command at the hardware level (failure at
\ this level is usually fatal, except in the case of an incoming bus reset)
\ - The value of the status byte returned by the command
\ - The condition indicated by the sense bytes
\ - The number of previous retries
\ The input arguments are as returned by "scsi-exec".
\ On output, the top of the stack is true if the command is to be retried,
\ otherwise the top of the stack is false and the results that should be
\ returned by retry-command are underneath it; those results indicate the type
\ of error that occurred.
: retry? ( hw-result | statbyte 0 -- true | [[sensebuf] f-hw] error? false )
0 of to statbyte endof \ No hardware error; continue checking.
1 of true exit endof \ Retry after incoming bus reset.
( hw-result ) true false exit \ Other hardware errors are fatal.
statbyte 0= if false false exit then \ If successful, return "no-error".
statbyte 2 and if \ "Check Condition", so get extended status.
get-sense classify-sense case ( -1|0|1 )
\ If the sense information says "no sense", return "no-error".
0 of false false exit endof
\ If the error is fatal, return "sense-buf,valid,statbyte".
-1 of sense-buf false statbyte false exit endof
\ Otherwise, the error was retryable. However, if we have
\ have already retried the specified number of times, don't
\ retry again; instead return sense buffer and status.
#retries 0= if sense-buf false statbyte false exit then
\ Don't retry if vendor-unique, reserved, intermediate, or
\ "condition met/good" bits are set. Return "no-sense,status".
statbyte h# f5 and if true statbyte false exit then
\ Don't retry if we have already retried the specified number
\ of times. Return "no-sense,status".
#retries 0= if true statbyte false exit then
\ Otherwise, it was either a busy or a retryable check condition,
\ so we retry.
\ RETRY-COMMAND executes a SCSI command. If a check condition is indicated,
\ performs a "get-sense" command. If the sense bytes indicate a non-fatal
\ condition (e.g., power-on reset occurred, not ready yet, or recoverable
\ error), the command is retried until the condition either goes away or
\ changes to a fatal error.
\ The command is retried until
\ a) The command succeeds, or
\ b) The select fails, or dma fails, or
\ c) The sense bytes indicate an error that we can't retry at this level, or
\ d) The number of retries is exceeded.
\ #retries is number of times to retry (0: don't retry, -1: retry forever)
\ sensebuf is the address of the sense buffer; it is present only
\ if f-hw is 0 and error? is nonzero. The length of the sense buffer
\ is 8 bytes plus the value in byte 7 of the sense buffer.
\ f-hw is nonzero if there is a hardware error -- dma fails, select fails,
\ etc. -- or if the status byte was neither 0 (okay) nor 2 (check condition).
\ error? is nonzero if there is a transaction error. If error? is 0,
\ f-hw and sensebuf are not returned.
\ If sensebuf is returned, the contents are valid until the next call to
\ retry-command. sensebuf becomes inaccessable when this package is closed.
\ dma-dir is necessary because it is not always possible to infer the DMA
\ direction from the command.
\ Local variables used by retry-command?
0 instance value dbuf \ Data transfer buffer
0 instance value dlen \ Expected length of data transfer
0 instance value direction-in \ Direction for data transfer
-1 instance value cbuf \ Command base address
0 instance value clen \ Actual length of this command
: retry-command ( dma-buf dma-len dma-dir cmdbuf cmdlen #retries -- ... )
( ... -- [[sensebuf] f-hw] error? )
to #retries to clen to cbuf to direction-in to dlen to dbuf
dbuf dlen direction-in cbuf clen execute-command ( hwerr | stat 0 )
#retries 1- to #retries
\ Collapses the complete error information returned by retry-command into
\ a single error/no-error flag.
: error? ( false | true true | sensebuf false true -- error? )
dup if swap 0= if nip then then
\ Simplified "retry-command" routine for commands with no data transfer phase
\ and simple error checking requirements.
: no-data-command ( cmdbuf -- error? )
>r 0 0 true r> 6 -1 retry-command error?
\ short-data-command executes a command with the following characteristics:
\ a) The data direction is incoming
\ b) The data length is less than 256 bytes
\ The host adapter driver is responsible for supplying the DMA data
\ buffer; if the command succeeds, the buffer address is returned.
\ The buffer contents become invalid when another SCSI command is
\ executed, or when the driver is closed.
: short-data-command ( data-len cmdbuf cmdlen -- true | buffer false )
>r >r inq-buf swap true r> r> -1 retry-command ( retry-cmd-results )
error? dup 0= if inq-buf swap then
\ Here begins the implementation of "show-children", a word that
\ is intended to be executed interactively, showing the user the
\ devices that are attached to the SCSI bus.
\ Tool for storing a big-endian 24-bit number at an unaligned address
: 3c! ( n addr -- ) >r lbsplit drop r@ c! r@ 1+ c! r> 2+ c! ;
\ Command block template for Inquiry command
create inquiry-cmd h# 12 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, ff c, 0 c,
: inquiry ( -- error? )
\ 8 retries should be more than enough; inquiry commands aren't
\ supposed to respond with "check condition".
inq-buf ff true inquiry-cmd 6 8 retry-command error?
\ Returns true if the target number "select-id" responds to the inquiry
\ command.
: probe-target ( select-id -- present? )
0 swap set-address inquiry 0=
\ Reads the indicated byte from the Inquiry data buffer.
: inq@ ( offset -- value ) inq-buf + c@ ;
: .scsi1-inquiry ( -- ) inq-buf 5 ca+ 4 inq@ fa min type ;
: .scsi2-inquiry ( -- ) inq-buf 8 ca+ d# 28 type ;
\ Displays the results of an Inquiry command to the indicated device.
: show-lun ( unit target -- )
over swap set-address ( unit )
inquiry if drop exit then ( unit )
0 inq@ h# 7f = if drop exit then ( unit )
." Unit " . ." " ( )
1 inq@ h# 80 and if ." Removable " then ( )
0 inq@ case ( )
0 of ." Disk " endof
1 of ." Tape " endof
2 of ." Printer " endof
3 of ." Processor " endof
4 of ." WORM " endof
5 of ." Read Only device" endof
( default ) ." Device type " dup .h
endcase ( )
1 inq@ h# 7f and ?dup if ." Qualifier " .h then
4 spaces
3 inq@ 0f and 2 = if .scsi2-inquiry else .scsi1-inquiry then
\ Searches for devices on the SCSI bus, displaying the Inquiry information
\ for each device that responds.
: show-children ( -- )
open 0= if ." Can't open SCSI host adapter" cr exit then
8 0 do
i probe-target if
." Target " i . cr
8 0 do i j show-lun loop
\ The Diagnose command is useful for generic SCSI devices.
\ It executes both "test-unit-ready" and "send-diagnostic"
\ commands, decoding the error status information they return.
create test-unit-rdy-cmd 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c,
create send-diagnostic-cmd h# 1d c, 4 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c,
: send-diagnostic ( -- error? ) send-diagnostic-cmd no-data-command ;
: diagnose ( -- error? )
0 0 true test-unit-rdy-cmd 6 -1 ( dma$ dir cmd$ #retries )
retry-command if ( [ sensebuf ] hardware-error? )
." Test unit ready failed - " ( [ sensebuf ] hardware-error? )
if ( )
." hardware error (no such device?)" cr ( )
else ( sensebuf )
." extended status = " cr ( sensebuf )
base @ >r hex ( sensebuf )
8 bounds ?do i 3 u.r loop cr ( )
r> base !
send-diagnostic ( fail? )