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toke -v -i -l TooLargeBranch_off08.fth
Welcome to toke - OpenBIOS tokenizer v1.0.2
(C) Copyright 2001-2006 Stefan Reinauer.
(C) Copyright 2006 coresystems GmbH
(C) Copyright 2005 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
the GNU General Public License v2. This program has absolutely no warranty.
Tokenizer Compiled on PPC under GNU_Linux
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 at 13:20:18 CDT
Tokenizing TooLargeBranch_off08.fth Binary output to TooLargeBranch_off08.fc FLoad-list to TooLargeBranch_off08.fl
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 11. FCODE-VERSION1 encountered; processing...
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 11. (Output Position = 8). Using version1 header (8-bit offsets).
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 27. (Output Position = 178). FLOADing TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth
Message: File TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth, Line 1. (Output Position = 178). Starting out with one Bottle of Beer on the wall
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 29. (Output Position = 151). Branch offset is too large between ENDCASE and the ENDOF on line 24 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 15
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 29. (Output Position = 151). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 29. (Output Position = 151). Actual offset is 0xe2 (=dec 226), but it will be coded as 0xffffffe2 (=dec -30).
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 31. (Output Position = 115). Branch offset is too large between THEN and the IF on line 21 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 15
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 31. (Output Position = 115). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 31. (Output Position = 115). Actual offset is 0x10e (=dec 270), but it will be coded as 0xe (=dec 14).
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 32. (Output Position = 411). Branch offset is too large between LOOP and the DO on line 19 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 15
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 32. (Output Position = 411). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 32. (Output Position = 411). Actual offset is 0xfffffecf (=dec -305), but it will be coded as 0xffffffcf (=dec -49).
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 32. (Output Position = 105). Actual offset is 0x133 (=dec 307), but it will be coded as 0x33 (=dec 51).
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 38. (Output Position = 467). Branch offset is too large between AGAIN and the BEGIN on line 18 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 15
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 38. (Output Position = 467). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 38. (Output Position = 467). Actual offset is 0xfffffe75 (=dec -395), but it will be coded as 0x75 (=dec 117).
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 73. (Output Position = 673). Branch offset is too large between LOOP and the DO on line 66 in definition of STRADDLE-LOOP , which started on line 65
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 73. (Output Position = 673). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 73. (Output Position = 673). Actual offset is 0x81 (=dec 129), but it will be coded as 0xffffff81 (=dec -127).
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 79. (Output Position = 818). Duplicate definition: too-large-case already exists as a COLON in the top-level device-node, which began on line 11
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 92. (Output Position = 993). FLOADing TooLargeBranch_off16_body.fth
Message: File TooLargeBranch_off16_body.fth, Line 1. (Output Position = 993). Starting out with one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 97. (Output Position = 961). Branch offset is too large between ENDCASE and the ENDOF on line 88 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 79
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 97. (Output Position = 961). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 97. (Output Position = 961). Actual offset is 0x7f6d (=dec 32621), but it will be coded as 0x6d (=dec 109).
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 99. (Output Position = 925). Branch offset is too large between THEN and the IF on line 85 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 79
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 99. (Output Position = 925). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 99. (Output Position = 925). Actual offset is 0x7f99 (=dec 32665), but it will be coded as 0xffffff99 (=dec -103).
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 100. (Output Position = 33616). Branch offset is too large between LOOP and the DO on line 83 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 79
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 100. (Output Position = 33616). Offset might fit if 16-bit offsets (e.g., fcode-version2) were used.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 100. (Output Position = 33616). Actual offset is 0xffff8044 (=dec -32700), but it will be coded as 0x44 (=dec 68).
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 100. (Output Position = 915). Actual offset is 0x7fbe (=dec 32702), but it will be coded as 0xffffffbe (=dec -66).
Error: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 106. (Output Position = 33672). Branch offset is too large between AGAIN and the BEGIN on line 82 in definition of TOO-LARGE-CASE , which started on line 79
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 106. (Output Position = 33672). Offset would be too large even if 16-bit offsets were in effect.
Warning: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 106. (Output Position = 33672). Actual offset is 0xffff7fea (=dec -32790), but it will be coded as 0xffffffea (=dec -22).
Advisory: File TooLargeBranch_off08.fth, Line 109. (Output Position = 33698). FCODE-END encountered; processing...
toke: checksum is 0xcf20 (33699 bytes). Last assigned FCode = 0x803
Tokenization Completed. 9 Errors, 12 Warnings, 14 Advisories, 2 Messages.
Error-detection over-ridden; producing binary output.
toke: wrote 33699 bytes to bytecode file 'TooLargeBranch_off08.fc'