Hash :
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Update contact information Remove obsolete email addresses and add OpenBIOS mailing list information. Signed-off-by: Stefan Reinauer <stefan.reinauer@coreboot.org>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
\ Welcome to detok - OpenBIOS detokenizer v1.0.2
\ (C) Copyright 2001-2006 Stefan Reinauer.
\ (C) Copyright 2006 coresystems GmbH
\ (C) Copyright 2005 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
\ Written by Stefan Reinauer
\ This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
\ the GNU General Public License v2. This program has absolutely no warranty.
0: start1 ( 0x0f1 ) ( 16-bit offsets)
1: format: 0x08
2: checksum: 0x47b6 (Ok)
4: len: 0x0571 ( 1393 bytes)
8: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1f [31 bytes] )
" ${PWD:h}/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth"
41: type ( 0x090 )
42: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x20 [32 bytes] )
" ${PWD}/../TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth"
76: type ( 0x090 )
77: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x23 [35 bytes] )
" Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall,"
114: type ( 0x090 )
115: cr ( 0x092 )
116: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x18 [24 bytes] )
" one Bottle of Beer!,"
142: type ( 0x090 )
143: cr ( 0x092 )
144: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x22 [34 bytes] )
" Take it down and pass it around..."
180: type ( 0x090 )
181: cr ( 0x092 )
182: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1c [28 bytes] )
" How dry I am! How dry I am!"
212: type ( 0x090 )
213: cr ( 0x092 )
214: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1b [27 bytes] )
" No body knows how dry I am."
243: type ( 0x090 )
244: cr ( 0x092 )
245: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1a [26 bytes] )
" How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm."
273: type ( 0x090 )
274: cr ( 0x092 )
275: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1e [30 bytes] )
" $PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin"
307: type ( 0x090 )
308: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xff [255 bytes] )
" U"( 89 e5 83 ec 08 83 e4 f0 a1 )0@"( 85 c0 )t"( 01 cc d9 )}"( fe 0f b7 )E"( fe )%"( c0 f0 ff ff )f"( 89 )E"( fe 0f b7 )E"( fe 0d )?"( 03 )f"( 89 )E"( fe d9 )m"( fe c7 04 )$P"( 10 )@"( e8 81 01 c9 c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 )U"( 89 e5 83 ec 18 83 e4 f0 b8 83 c0 0f 83 c0 0f c1 e8 04 c1 e0 04 89 )E"( f0 8b )E"( f0 e8 1b 01 e8 a6 01 c6 )E"( f7 83 )}"( 08 01 7f 18 c7 04 )$ @"( e8 f0 01 c7 04 )$"( 01 e8 d4 01 8b )E"( 0c 83 c0 04 8b 89 )D$"( 04 c7 04 )$"( 10 ) @"( e8 cc 01 8b )E"( 0c 83 c0 08 8b 89 )D$"( 04 c7 04 )$"( 1c ) @"( e8 b4 01 c7 )D$"( 04 )( @"( 8b )E"( 0c 83 c0 04 8b 89 04 )$"( e8 )|"( 01 89 )E"( fc c7 )D$"( 04 )+ @"( 8b )E"( 0c 83 c0 08 8b 89 04 )$"( e8 )a"( 01 89 )E"( f8 83 )}"( fc )t"( 06 83 )}"( f8 )u"( 18 c7 04 )$. @"( e8 )f"( 01 c7 04 )$"( 02 e8 )J"( 01 8b )E"( fc 89 04 )$"( e8 1f 01 88 )E"( f7 )"
565: encode-bytes ( 0x115 )
567: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xff [255 bytes] )
" "( 8b )E"( fc 0f bf )@"( 0c 83 e0 ) "( 85 c0 )t"( 02 eb 1b 80 )}"( f7 )t"( dc 8b )E"( f8 89 )D$"( 04 0f be )E"( f7 89 04 )$"( e8 e3 eb c7 8b )E"( f8 89 04 )$"( e8 c6 8b )E"( fc 89 04 )$"( e8 bb c7 04 )$"( e8 ef 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 )Q"( 89 e1 83 c1 08 )="( 10 )r"( 10 81 e9 10 83 09 )-"( 10 eb e9 ))"( c1 83 09 89 e0 89 cc 8b 08 8b )@"( 04 ff e0 90 90 90 )U1"( c0 89 e5 83 ec 18 89 )u"( fc 8b )u"( 08 89 )]"( f8 89 )D$"( 04 89 )4$"( e8 b3 83 ec 08 85 c0 )t"( 0d c7 04 )$"( ff 15 a4 )@@"( 81 ec c0 8d )\$"( 17 83 e3 f0 c7 03 89 )\$"( 04 89 )4$"( e8 80 83 ec 08 89 1c )$"( eb d3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 ff )%"( 90 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( ac )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( b4 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( b0 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( 94 )@@"( 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 ff )%"( a8 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( c0 )@@"( 90 90 )U1"( c0 89 e5 )S"( 83 ec )"
824: encode-bytes ( 0x115 )
826: encode+ ( 0x112 )
828: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xff [255 bytes] )
" "( 04 8b )]"( 0c 85 db 0f 84 ef c7 )C"( 04 a8 )1"( c9 ba 84 c7 )C"( 08 ed 03 85 c0 c7 )C"( 0c 12 89 8b 80 89 93 84 c7 )C,"( e0 14 )@"( c7 )C0"( e8 14 )@"( c7 )C"( 14 14 )0@"( 0f 85 98 a1 98 )@@"( 89 )C"( 10 c7 )Cx"( 8b )E"( 08 c7 )CH"( b0 14 )@"( c7 )CL"( a0 14 )@"( 89 )C("( 8b )E"( c7 )CP"( 90 14 )@"( c7 )CT"( 80 14 )@"( c7 )C$"( 10 )0@"( 89 03 c7 )C"( 18 )p"( 14 )@"( c7 )C"( 1c )`"( 14 )@"( c7 )C P"( 14 )@"( c7 )CD@"( 14 )@"( c7 04 )$"( e8 82 01 89 )C|"( 83 ec 04 c7 )C4 @"( c7 )C8 @"( c7 )C<0@"( c7 )C@@0@"( e8 9b b8 01 8b )]"( fc c9 c2 08 8b 93 a4 a1 98 )@@"( 89 10 e9 )^"( ff ff ff c7 04 )$"( 08 e8 )!"( 01 89 c2 )1"( c0 83 fa ff )t"( d2 89 d3 b8 01 e9 f0 fe ff ff 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 ff )%"( a4 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( 94 )@@"( 90 90 )U"( 89 e5 8b )M"( 08 )V"( 8b )u"( 10 )S"( 8b )]"( 0c eb 0c 8b )Q"
1085: encode-bytes ( 0x115 )
1087: encode+ ( 0x112 )
1089: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xb3 [179 bytes] )
" "( 04 8b 01 83 c1 08 01 f2 01 02 )9"( d9 )r"( f0 )[^]"( c3 8d b6 8d bf )U"( ba )@"( 89 e5 b8 )P @"( 83 ec 0c 89 )T$"( 08 89 )D$"( 04 c7 04 )$P @"( e8 ac ff ff ff c9 c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 ff )%"( 9c )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( c4 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( b8 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( bc )@@"( 90 90 )U"( 89 e5 )]"( c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 )U"( 89 e5 )]"( c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 )U"( 89 e5 )]"( c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 )U"( 89 e5 )]"( c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 ff )%"( a0 )@@"( 90 90 ff )%"( d4 )@@"( 90 90 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff )"
1270: encode-bytes ( 0x115 )
1272: encode+ ( 0x112 )
1274: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1e [30 bytes] )
" $PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin"
1306: property ( 0x110 )
1308: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1f [31 bytes] )
" $PWD}/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin"
1341: type ( 0x090 )
1342: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1e [30 bytes] )
" $PWD/../TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin"
1374: type ( 0x090 )
1375: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xe [14 bytes] )
" That is all..."
1391: type ( 0x090 )
1392: end0 ( 0x000 )
\ Detokenization finished normally after 1393 bytes.
End of file.