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change to well-formed svn directory structure. git-svn-id: svn://coreboot.org/openboot/trunk@2 4486e004-3823-0410-90c7-fb508cc143bb
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id: @(#)stresc.fth 1.17 02/05/02
copyright: Copyright 1991-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
copyright: Use is subject to license terms.
\ Copyright 1985-1990 Bradley Forthware
\ These words use the string-scanning routines to get strings out of
\ the input stream.
\ ", --> given string, emplace the string at here and allot space
\ ," --> accept a "-terminated string and emplace it.
\ " --> accept a "-terminated string and leave addr len on the stack
\ "" --> accept a blank delimited string and leave it's address on the stac
\ [""]--> accept a blank delimited string and emplace it.
\ At run time, leave it's address on the stack
\ The improvements allow control characters and 8-bit binary numbers to
\ be embedded into string literals. This is similar in principle to the
\ "\n" convention in C, but syntactically tuned for Forth.
\ The escape character is '"'. Here is the list of escapes:
\ "" "
\ "n newline
\ "r carret
\ "t tab
\ "f formfeed
\ "l linefeed
\ "b backspace
\ "! bell
\ "^x control x, where x is any printable character
\ "(HhHh) Sequence of bytes, one byte for each pair of hex digits Hh
\ Non-hex characters will be ignored
\ "<whitespace> terminates the string, as usual
\ " followed by any other printable character not mentioned above is
\ equivalent to that character.
\ This new syntax is completely backwards compatible with old code, since
\ the only legal previous usage was "<whitespace>
\ Contrived example:
\ " This is "(01,328e)"nA test xyzzy "!"! abcdefg""hijk"^bl"
\ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
\ 3 bytes newline 2 bells " control b
\ The "(HhHhHhHh) should come in particularly handy.
\ Note: "n (newline) happens to be the same as "l (linefeed) under Unix,
\ but this is not true for all operating systems.
[ifndef] run-time
nuser stringbuf
nuser "select
nuser '"temp
\ Packed strings are 255 bytes + 1 NULL + 1 Paranoia.
h# 258 constant /stringbuf
\ Alloc an 4K buffer for string use
chain: init ( -- )
h# 1000 alloc-mem dup stringbuf ! '"temp !
0 "select !
\ Each string temp buffer is 512 bytes long.
\ Note this is longer than a packed string can deal with - this is intentional
: "temp ( -- adr )
"select dup @ tuck 1+ 7 and swap ! ( n )
d# 9 << '"temp @ + 0 over c! ( n )
: $save ( adr1 len1 adr2 -- adr2 len1 ) pack count ;
: $add ( src,len dest,len -- dest,len' )
2 pick over + >r over >r ( src,len dest,len )
+ ( str,len dest' )
swap cmove ( )
r> r> ( dest,len' )
: $cat ( adr len pstr -- ) \ Append adr len to the end of pstr
>r r@ count nip ( addr len len' ) ( r: pstr )
d# 255 swap - min ( addr len' ) ( r: pstr )
r@ count + ( adr len end-adr ) ( r: pstr )
swap dup >r ( adr endadr len ) ( r: pstr len )
cmove r> r> ( len pstr )
dup c@ rot + swap c!
: add-char ( buffer char -- )
over count + c!
dup c@ ca1+
swap c!
: nextchar ( adr len -- false | adr' len' char true )
dup 0= if nip exit then ( adr len )
over c@ >r 1 /string r> ( adr' len' char )
caps @ if lcc then true
: nexthex ( adr len -- false | adr' len' digit true )
nextchar if ( adr' len' char )
d# 16 digit if ( adr' len' digit )
true true ( adr' len' digit true done )
else ( adr' len' char )
drop false ( adr' len' notdone )
then ( adr' len' digit true done | adr' len' notdone )
else ( )
false true ( false done )
: get-hex-bytes ( strbuf -- )
>r ( ) ( r: strbuf )
ascii ) parse ( adr len ) ( r: strbuf )
begin nexthex while ( adr' len' digit1 ) ( r: strbuf )
>r nexthex 0= ( ?? ) abort" Odd number of hex digits in string"
r> ( adr'' len'' digit2 digit1 ) ( r: strbuf )
4 lshift + ( adr'' len'' byte ) ( r: strbuf )
r@ swap add-char ( adr'' len'' ) ( r: strbuf )
repeat r> drop ( )
\ : get-char ( -- char ) input-file @ fgetc ;
: get-char ( -- char|-1 )
source >in @ /string if c@ 1 >in +! else drop -1 then
: get-string ( -- adr len )
"temp ( strbuf )
begin ( strbuf )
dup ascii " parse rot $cat dup ( strbuf strbuf )
get-char dup bl <= if ( strbuf strbuf <bl )
2drop count ( adr,len )
[ifexist] xref-string-hook xref-string-hook [then]
exit ( adr,len )
then ( strbuf strbuf char )
ascii n of newline add-char endof
ascii r of carret add-char endof
ascii t of control I add-char endof
ascii f of control L add-char endof
ascii l of linefeed add-char endof
ascii b of control H add-char endof
ascii ! of bell add-char endof
ascii ^ of get-char h# 1f and add-char endof
ascii ( of get-hex-bytes endof
( default ) add-char false
endcase ( strbuf )
again ( strbuf )
: .( \ string) (s -- )
ascii ) parse
[ifexist] xref-string-hook xref-string-hook [then]
; immediate
\ : ( \ string (s -- ) \ Skips to next )
\ ascii ) parse 2drop
\ ; immediate
: ", (s adr len -- )
dup 2+ taligned here swap note-string allot place
[ifndef] run-time
: ," \ string" (s -- )
get-string ",
: ." \ string" (s -- )
+level compile (.") ," -level
; immediate
: s" \ string (s -- adr len )
ascii " parse
state @ if compile (") ", else "temp $save then
; immediate
: " \ string" (s -- adr len )
state @ if compile (") ", else "temp $save then
; immediate
: [""] \ word (s Compile-time: -- )
(s Run-time: -- pstr )
compile ("s) safe-parse-word ",
; immediate
\ Obsolete
: ["] \ string" (s -- str )
compile ("s) ,"
; immediate
: \ \ rest-of-line (s -- ) \ skips rest of line
-1 parse
[ifexist] xref-string-hook xref-string-hook [then]
; immediate
: compile-string ( adr len -- )
state @ if
compile ("s) ",
"temp pack
: "" \ name ( -- pstr )
safe-parse-word compile-string
; immediate
: p" \ string" ( -- pstr )
get-string compile-string
; immediate
: c" \ string" ( -- pstr )
ascii " parse
; immediate
create nullstring 0 c, 0 c,
\ Words for copying strings
\ Places a series of bytes in memory at to as a packed string
: place (s adr len to-adr -- ) pack drop ;
: place-cstr ( adr len cstr-adr -- cstr-adr )
>r tuck r@ swap cmove ( len ) r@ + 0 swap c! r>
: even (s n -- n | n+1 ) dup 1 and + ;
\ Nullfix
: +str (s pstr -- adr ) count + 1+ taligned ;
\ Copy a packed string from "from-pstr" to "to-pstr"
: "copy (s from-pstr to-pstr -- ) >r count r> place ;
\ Copy a packed string from "from-pstr" to "to-pstr", returning "to-pstr"
: "move (s from-pstr to-pstr -- to-pstr ) >r count r> pack ;
\ : count (s adr -- adr+1 len ) dup 1+ swap c@ ;
: /string ( adr len cnt -- adr' len' ) tuck - -rot + swap ;
: printable? ( n -- flag ) \ true if n is a printable ascii character
dup bl th 7f within swap th 80 th ff between or
: white-space? ( n -- flag ) \ true is n is non-printable? or a blank
dup printable? 0= swap bl = or
: -leading ( adr len -- adr' len' )
begin dup while ( adr' len' )
over c@ white-space? 0= if exit then
swap 1+ swap 1-
: -trailing (s adr len -- adr len' )
dup 0 ?do 2dup + 1- c@ white-space? 0= ?leave 1- loop
: upper (s adr len -- ) bounds ?do i dup c@ upc swap c! loop ;
: lower (s adr len -- ) bounds ?do i dup c@ lcc swap c! loop ;
nuser caps
: f83-compare (s adr adr2 len -- -1 | 0 | 1 )
caps @ if caps-comp else comp then
\ Unpacked string comparison
: +-1 ( n -- -1|0|+1 ) 0< 2* 1+ ;
: compare (s adr1 len1 adr2 len2 -- same? )
rot 2dup 2>r min ( adr1 adr2 min-len ) ( r: len2 len1 )
comp dup if ( +-1 )
2r> 2drop ( +-1 ) \ Initial substrings differ
else ( 0 )
drop 2r> - ( diff ) \ Initial substrings are the same
\ This is tricky. We want to convert zero to zero, positive
\ numbers to -1, and negative numbers to +1. Here's how it works:
\ "dup if .. then" leave 0 unchanged, and nonzero number are
\ transformed as follows:
\ +n -n
\ 0> -1 0
\ 2* -2 0
\ 1+ -1 1
dup if 0> 2* 1+ then
\ $= can be defined as "compare 0=", but $= is used much more often,
\ and doesn't require all the tricky argument fixups, so it makes
\ sense to define $= directly, so it runs quite a bit faster.
: $= (s adr1 len1 adr2 len2 -- same? )
rot tuck <> if 3drop false exit then ( adr1 adr2 len1 )
comp 0=