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change to well-formed svn directory structure. git-svn-id: svn://coreboot.org/openboot/trunk@2 4486e004-3823-0410-90c7-fb508cc143bb
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\ suspend.fth 2.7 99/05/04
\ Copyright 1985-1994 Bradley Forthware
\ Smart keyboard driven exit
\ Type q to abort the listing, anything else to pause it.
\ While it's paused, type q to abort, anything else to resume.
only forth also hidden also
hidden definitions
variable 1-more-line? 1-more-line? off
true value page-mode?
forth definitions
: no-page ( -- ) false is page-mode? ;
: page-mode ( -- ) true is page-mode? ;
: (reset-page) #line off 1-more-line? off ;
' (reset-page) is reset-page
: suspend ( -- flag )
#line off
??cr dark ." More [<space>,<cr>,q,n,p,c] ? " light
key #out @ (cr spaces (cr #out off
dup ascii q = if drop true exit then
dup ascii n = if drop true exit then
dup ascii p = if drop page-mode false exit then
dup ascii c = if drop no-page false exit then
dup linefeed = swap carret = or if 1-more-line? on then
d# 24 value default-#lines
defer lines/page ' default-#lines is lines/page
: (exit?) ( -- flag ) \ True if the listing should be stopped
interactive? 0= if false exit then
\ In case we start with lines/page already too large, we clear it out
page-mode? if #line @ lines/page u>= if suspend exit then then
1-more-line? @ if 1-more-line? off suspend exit then
page-mode? if #line @ 1+ lines/page = if suspend exit then then
key? if
key ascii q = if #line off true else suspend then
defer exit?
' (exit?) is exit?
only forth also definitions