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add compile command to api-example.c
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* Copyright 2011 Kano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version. See COPYING for more details.
/* Compile:
* gcc api-example.c -I compat/jansson -o cgminer-api
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "compat.h"
#include "miner.h"
#if defined(unix)
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#define SOCKETTYPE int
#define SOCKETFAIL(a) ((a) < 0)
#define INVSOCK -1
#define CLOSESOCKET close
#define SOCKETINIT {}
#define SOCKERRMSG strerror(errno)
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#define SOCKETFAIL(a) ((a) == SOCKET_ERROR)
#define CLOSESOCKET closesocket
static char WSAbuf[1024];
struct WSAERRORS {
int id;
char *code;
} WSAErrors[] = {
{ 0, "No error" },
{ WSAEINTR, "Interrupted system call" },
{ WSAEBADF, "Bad file number" },
{ WSAEACCES, "Permission denied" },
{ WSAEFAULT, "Bad address" },
{ WSAEINVAL, "Invalid argument" },
{ WSAEMFILE, "Too many open sockets" },
{ WSAEWOULDBLOCK, "Operation would block" },
{ WSAEINPROGRESS, "Operation now in progress" },
{ WSAEALREADY, "Operation already in progress" },
{ WSAENOTSOCK, "Socket operation on non-socket" },
{ WSAEDESTADDRREQ, "Destination address required" },
{ WSAEMSGSIZE, "Message too long" },
{ WSAEPROTOTYPE, "Protocol wrong type for socket" },
{ WSAENOPROTOOPT, "Bad protocol option" },
{ WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT, "Protocol not supported" },
{ WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "Socket type not supported" },
{ WSAEOPNOTSUPP, "Operation not supported on socket" },
{ WSAEPFNOSUPPORT, "Protocol family not supported" },
{ WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, "Address family not supported" },
{ WSAEADDRINUSE, "Address already in use" },
{ WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "Can't assign requested address" },
{ WSAENETDOWN, "Network is down" },
{ WSAENETUNREACH, "Network is unreachable" },
{ WSAENETRESET, "Net connection reset" },
{ WSAECONNABORTED, "Software caused connection abort" },
{ WSAECONNRESET, "Connection reset by peer" },
{ WSAENOBUFS, "No buffer space available" },
{ WSAEISCONN, "Socket is already connected" },
{ WSAENOTCONN, "Socket is not connected" },
{ WSAESHUTDOWN, "Can't send after socket shutdown" },
{ WSAETOOMANYREFS, "Too many references, can't splice" },
{ WSAETIMEDOUT, "Connection timed out" },
{ WSAECONNREFUSED, "Connection refused" },
{ WSAELOOP, "Too many levels of symbolic links" },
{ WSAENAMETOOLONG, "File name too long" },
{ WSAEHOSTDOWN, "Host is down" },
{ WSAEHOSTUNREACH, "No route to host" },
{ WSAENOTEMPTY, "Directory not empty" },
{ WSAEPROCLIM, "Too many processes" },
{ WSAEUSERS, "Too many users" },
{ WSAEDQUOT, "Disc quota exceeded" },
{ WSAESTALE, "Stale NFS file handle" },
{ WSAEREMOTE, "Too many levels of remote in path" },
{ WSASYSNOTREADY, "Network system is unavailable" },
{ WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED, "Winsock version out of range" },
{ WSANOTINITIALISED, "WSAStartup not yet called" },
{ WSAEDISCON, "Graceful shutdown in progress" },
{ WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND, "Host not found" },
{ WSANO_DATA, "No host data of that type was found" },
{ -1, "Unknown error code" }
static char *WSAErrorMsg()
char *msg;
int i;
int id = WSAGetLastError();
/* Assume none of them are actually -1 */
for (i = 0; WSAErrors[i].id != -1; i++)
if (WSAErrors[i].id == id)
sprintf(WSAbuf, "Socket Error: (%d) %s", id, WSAErrors[i].code);
return &(WSAbuf[0]);
#define SOCKERRMSG WSAErrorMsg()
static WSADATA WSA_Data;
#define SOCKETINIT int wsa; \
if (wsa = WSAStartup(0x0202, &WSA_Data)) { \
printf("Socket startup failed: %d\n", wsa); \
return 1; \
#ifndef SHUT_RDWR
#define RECVSIZE 65500
static const char SEPARATOR = '|';
static const char COMMA = ',';
static const char EQ = '=';
void display(char *buf)
char *nextobj, *item, *nextitem, *eq;
int itemcount;
while (buf != NULL) {
nextobj = strchr(buf, SEPARATOR);
if (nextobj != NULL)
*(nextobj++) = '\0';
if (*buf) {
item = buf;
itemcount = 0;
while (item != NULL) {
nextitem = strchr(item, COMMA);
if (nextitem != NULL)
*(nextitem++) = '\0';
if (*item) {
eq = strchr(item, EQ);
if (eq != NULL)
*(eq++) = '\0';
if (itemcount == 0)
printf("[%s%s] =>\n(\n", item, (eq != NULL && isdigit(*eq)) ? eq : "");
if (eq != NULL)
printf(" [%s] => %s\n", item, eq);
printf(" [%d] => %s\n", itemcount, item);
item = nextitem;
if (itemcount > 0)
buf = nextobj;
int callapi(char *command, char *host, short int port)
char buf[RECVSIZE+1];
struct hostent *ip;
struct sockaddr_in serv;
int ret = 0;
int n, p;
ip = gethostbyname(host);
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock == INVSOCK) {
printf("Socket initialisation failed: %s\n", SOCKERRMSG);
return 1;
memset(&serv, 0, sizeof(serv));
serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)ip->h_addr);
serv.sin_port = htons(port);
if (SOCKETFAIL(connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&serv, sizeof(struct sockaddr)))) {
printf("Socket connect failed: %s\n", SOCKERRMSG);
return 1;
n = send(sock, command, strlen(command), 0);
if (SOCKETFAIL(n)) {
printf("Send failed: %s\n", SOCKERRMSG);
ret = 1;
else {
p = 0;
buf[0] = '\0';
while (p < RECVSIZE) {
n = recv(sock, &buf[p], RECVSIZE - p , 0);
if (SOCKETFAIL(n)) {
printf("Recv failed: %s\n", SOCKERRMSG);
ret = 1;
if (n == 0)
p += n;
buf[p] = '\0';
printf("Reply was '%s'\n", buf);
return ret;
static char *trim(char *str)
char *ptr;
while (isspace(*str))
ptr = strchr(str, '\0');
while (ptr-- > str) {
if (isspace(*ptr))
*ptr = '\0';
return str;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *command = "summary";
char *host = "";
short int port = 4028;
char *ptr;
if (argc > 1)
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0
|| strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0
|| strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "usAge: %s [command [ip/host [port]]]\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
if (argc > 1) {
ptr = trim(argv[1]);
if (strlen(ptr) > 0)
command = ptr;
if (argc > 2) {
ptr = trim(argv[2]);
if (strlen(ptr) > 0)
host = ptr;
if (argc > 3) {
ptr = trim(argv[3]);
if (strlen(ptr) > 0)
port = atoi(ptr);
return callapi(command, host, port);