

Author Commit Date CI Message
Etienne Samson 39d18fe6 2019-07-31T08:37:10 smart: use push_glob instead of manual filtering The code worked under the assumption that anything under `refs/tags` are tag objects, and all the rest would be peelable to a commit. As it is completely valid to have tags to blobs under a non `refs/tags` ref, this would cause failures when trying to peel a tag to a commit. Fix the broken filtering by switching to `git_revwalk_push_glob`, which already handles this case.
Patrick Steinhardt 782402c2 2018-01-12T13:09:23 tests: refs::iterator: fix memory leak due to ref names not being free'd The test refs::iterator::foreach_name iterates through every reference and copies its name into a local vector. While the test makes sure to free the vector afterwards, the copied reference names are not being free'd. Fix that.
Edward Thomson 7a830f28 2017-12-30T00:46:17 refs:iterator: add tests to recurse symlinks Ensure that we can recurse into directories via symbolic links.
Carlos Martín Nieto 4ee2543c 2014-06-02T16:46:47 refs: failing test for concurrent ref access If we remove a reference while we're iterating through the packed refs, the position in the iterator will be off.
Russell Belfer 11bd7a03 2013-12-12T11:14:51 More tests of canceling from callbacks This covers diff print, push, and ref foreach. This also has a fix for a small memory leak in the push tests.
Ben Straub 17820381 2013-11-14T14:05:52 Rename tests-clar to tests