

Author Commit Date CI Message
Patrick Steinhardt 3c884cc3 2019-09-21T15:05:36 azure: avoid building and testing in Docker as root Right now, all tests in libgit2's CI are being executed as root user. As libgit2 will usually not run as a root user in "normal" usecases and furthermore as there are tests that rely on the ability to _not_ be able to create certain paths, let's instead create an unprivileged user "libgit2" and use that across all docker images.
Patrick Steinhardt bbc0b20b 2019-08-02T10:27:24 azure: fix Coverity's build due to wrong container name The Coverity build is still referencing an old "trusty-openssl" container that is not provided by either our own now-inlined images nor by the libgit2/libgit2-docker repository. Convert it to build and use Xenial images instead.
Patrick Steinhardt ffac520e 2019-06-24T16:19:35 azure: move build scripts into "azure-pipelines" directory Since we have migrated to Azure Pipelines, we have deprecated and subsequentally removed all infrastructure for AppVeyor and Travis. Thus it doesn't make a lot of sense to have the split between "ci/" and "azure-pipelines/" directories anymoer, as "azure-pipelines/" is essentially our only CI. Move all CI scripts into the "azure-pipelines/" directory to have everything centrally located and to remove clutter in the top-level directory.
Edward Thomson 0cf5b6b1 2019-01-28T10:48:49 ci: ignore coverity failures in nightly runs Coverity is back but it's only read-only! Agh. Just allow it to fail and not impact the overall job run.
Edward Thomson 08d71f72 2019-01-27T22:46:07 ci: return coverity to the nightlies
Etienne Samson 3c6d1979 2019-01-11T02:06:41 ci: move coverity in its own pipeline Since Coverity is down for a unspecified timeframe, isolate it from the "hosted" nightlies.