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attr: Change the attribute check macros The point of having `GIT_ATTR_TRUE` and `GIT_ATTR_FALSE` macros is to be able to change the way that true and false values are stored inside of the returned gitattributes value pointer. However, if these macros are implemented as a simple rename for the `git_attr__true` pointer, they will always be used with the `==` operator, and hence we cannot really change the implementation to any other way that doesn't imply using special pointer values and comparing them! We need to do the same thing that core Git does, which is using a function macro. With `GIT_ATTR_TRUE(attr)`, we can change internally the way that these values are stored to anything we want. This commit does that, and rewrites a large chunk of the attributes test suite to remove duplicated code for expected attributes, and to properly test the function macro behavior instead of comparing pointers.
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#include "clar_libgit2.h"
#include "attr_file.h"
#include "attr_expect.h"
void test_attr_lookup__simple(void)
git_attr_file *file;
git_attr_path path;
const char *value = NULL;
cl_git_pass(git_attr_file__from_file(NULL, cl_fixture("attr/attr0"), file));
cl_assert_strequal(cl_fixture("attr/attr0"), file->path);
cl_assert(file->rules.length == 1);
cl_git_pass(git_attr_path__init(&path, "test", NULL));
cl_assert_strequal("test", path.path);
cl_assert_strequal("test", path.basename);
static void run_test_cases(git_attr_file *file, struct attr_expected *cases, int force_dir)
git_attr_path path;
const char *value = NULL;
struct attr_expected *c;
int error;
for (c = cases; c->path != NULL; c++) {
cl_git_pass(git_attr_path__init(&path, c->path, NULL));
if (force_dir)
path.is_dir = 1;
error = git_attr_file__lookup_one(file,&path,c->attr,&value);
attr_check_expected(c->expected, c->expected_str, value);
void test_attr_lookup__match_variants(void)
git_attr_file *file;
git_attr_path path;
struct attr_expected dir_cases[] = {
{ "pat2", "attr2", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/testing/for/pat2", "attr2", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/not/pat2/yousee", "attr2", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/fun/fun/fun/pat4.dir", "attr4", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "foo.pat5", "attr5", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
struct attr_expected cases[] = {
/* pat0 -> simple match */
{ "pat0", "attr0", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/testing/for/pat0", "attr0", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "relative/to/pat0", "attr0", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "this-contains-pat0-inside", "attr0", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "this-aint-right", "attr0", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/this/pat0/dont/match", "attr0", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* negative match */
{ "pat0", "attr1", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat1", "attr1", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/testing/for/pat1", "attr1", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/testing/for/pat0", "attr1", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/testing/for/pat1/inside", "attr1", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "misc", "attr1", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
/* dir match */
{ "pat2", "attr2", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/testing/for/pat2", "attr2", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/not/pat2/yousee", "attr2", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* path match */
{ "pat3file", "attr3", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/pat3dir/pat3file", "attr3", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "pat3dir/pat3file", "attr3", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
/* pattern* match */
{ "pat4.txt", "attr4", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/fun/fun/fun/pat4.c", "attr4", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat4.", "attr4", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat4", "attr4", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* *pattern match */
{ "foo.pat5", "attr5", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/this/is/ok.pat5", "attr5", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/this/is/bad.pat5/yousee.txt", "attr5", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "foo.pat5", "attr100", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* glob match with slashes */
{ "foo.pat6", "attr6", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "pat6/pat6/foobar.pat6", "attr6", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat6/pat6/.pat6", "attr6", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat6/pat6/extra/foobar.pat6", "attr6", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/prefix/pat6/pat6/foobar.pat6", "attr6", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/pat6/pat6/foobar.pat6", "attr6", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* complex pattern */
{ "pat7a12z", "attr7", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat7e__x", "attr7", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat7b/1y", "attr7", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL }, /* ? does not match / */
{ "pat7e_x", "attr7", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "pat7aaaa", "attr7", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "pat7zzzz", "attr7", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/this/can/be/anything/pat7a12z", "attr7", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "but/it/still/must/match/pat7aaaa", "attr7", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "pat7aaay.fail", "attr7", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* pattern with spaces */
{ "pat8 with spaces", "attr8", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/gotta love/pat8 with spaces", "attr8", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "failing pat8 with spaces", "attr8", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "spaces", "attr8", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* pattern at eof */
{ "pat9", "attr9", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/eof/pat9", "attr9", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat", "attr9", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "at9", "attr9", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "pat9.fail", "attr9", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* sentinel at end */
cl_git_pass(git_attr_file__from_file(NULL, cl_fixture("attr/attr1"), file));
cl_assert_strequal(cl_fixture("attr/attr1"), file->path);
cl_assert(file->rules.length == 10);
cl_git_pass(git_attr_path__init(&path, "/testing/for/pat0", NULL));
cl_assert_strequal("pat0", path.basename);
run_test_cases(file, cases, 0);
run_test_cases(file, dir_cases, 1);
void test_attr_lookup__assign_variants(void)
git_attr_file *file;
struct attr_expected cases[] = {
/* pat0 -> simple assign */
{ "pat0", "simple", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/testing/pat0", "simple", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat0", "fail", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/testing/pat0", "fail", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* negative assign */
{ "pat1", "neg", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
{ "/testing/pat1", "neg", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
{ "pat1", "fail", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/testing/pat1", "fail", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* forced undef */
{ "pat1", "notundef", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat2", "notundef", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/lead/in/pat1", "notundef", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/lead/in/pat2", "notundef", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* assign value */
{ "pat3", "assigned", EXPECT_STRING, "test-value" },
{ "pat3", "notassigned", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* assign value */
{ "pat4", "rule-with-more-chars", EXPECT_STRING, "value-with-more-chars" },
{ "pat4", "notassigned-rule-with-more-chars", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* empty assignments */
{ "pat5", "empty", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat6", "negempty", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
/* multiple assignment */
{ "pat7", "multiple", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat7", "single", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
{ "pat7", "values", EXPECT_STRING, "1" },
{ "pat7", "also", EXPECT_STRING, "a-really-long-value/*" },
{ "pat7", "happy", EXPECT_STRING, "yes!" },
{ "pat8", "again", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "pat8", "another", EXPECT_STRING, "12321" },
/* bad assignment */
{ "patbad0", "simple", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "patbad0", "notundef", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "patbad1", "simple", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* eof assignment */
{ "pat9", "at-eof", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
/* sentinel at end */
cl_git_pass(git_attr_file__from_file(NULL, cl_fixture("attr/attr2"), file));
cl_assert(file->rules.length == 11);
run_test_cases(file, cases, 0);
void test_attr_lookup__check_attr_examples(void)
git_attr_file *file;
struct attr_expected cases[] = {
{ "foo.java", "diff", EXPECT_STRING, "java" },
{ "foo.java", "crlf", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
{ "foo.java", "myAttr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "foo.java", "other", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/prefix/dir/foo.java", "diff", EXPECT_STRING, "java" },
{ "/prefix/dir/foo.java", "crlf", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
{ "/prefix/dir/foo.java", "myAttr", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "/prefix/dir/foo.java", "other", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "NoMyAttr.java", "crlf", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
{ "NoMyAttr.java", "myAttr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "NoMyAttr.java", "other", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/prefix/dir/NoMyAttr.java", "crlf", EXPECT_FALSE, NULL },
{ "/prefix/dir/NoMyAttr.java", "myAttr", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "/prefix/dir/NoMyAttr.java", "other", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "README", "caveat", EXPECT_STRING, "unspecified" },
{ "/specific/path/README", "caveat", EXPECT_STRING, "unspecified" },
{ "/specific/path/README", "missing", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
/* sentinel at end */
cl_git_pass(git_attr_file__from_file(NULL, cl_fixture("attr/attr3"), file));
cl_assert(file->rules.length == 3);
run_test_cases(file, cases, 0);
void test_attr_lookup__from_buffer(void)
git_attr_file *file;
struct attr_expected cases[] = {
{ "abc", "foo", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "abc", "bar", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "abc", "baz", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "aaa", "foo", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "aaa", "bar", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "aaa", "baz", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
{ "qqq", "foo", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "qqq", "bar", EXPECT_UNDEFINED, NULL },
{ "qqq", "baz", EXPECT_TRUE, NULL },
cl_git_pass(git_attr_file__from_buffer(NULL, "a* foo\nabc bar\n* baz", file));
cl_assert(file->rules.length == 3);
run_test_cases(file, cases, 0);