Hash :
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Date :
Fix single-file ignore checks To answer if a single given file should be ignored, the path to that file has to be processed progressively checking that there are no intermediate ignored directories in getting to the file in question. This enables that, fixing the broken old behavior, and adds tests to exercise various ignore situations.
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* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 the libgit2 contributors
* This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
* a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
#ifndef INCLUDE_attr_file_h__
#define INCLUDE_attr_file_h__
#include "git2/attr.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "pool.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#define GIT_ATTR_FILE ".gitattributes"
#define GIT_ATTR_FILE_INREPO "info/attributes"
#define GIT_ATTR_FILE_SYSTEM "gitattributes"
#define GIT_ATTR_FNMATCH_MACRO (1U << 3)
#define GIT_ATTR_FNMATCH_ICASE (1U << 7)
extern const char *git_attr__true;
extern const char *git_attr__false;
extern const char *git_attr__unset;
typedef struct {
char *pattern;
size_t length;
unsigned int flags;
} git_attr_fnmatch;
typedef struct {
git_attr_fnmatch match;
git_vector assigns; /* vector of <git_attr_assignment*> */
} git_attr_rule;
typedef struct {
git_refcount unused;
const char *name;
uint32_t name_hash;
} git_attr_name;
typedef struct {
git_refcount rc; /* for macros */
char *name;
uint32_t name_hash;
const char *value;
} git_attr_assignment;
typedef struct {
git_time_t seconds;
git_off_t size;
unsigned int ino;
} git_attr_file_stat_sig;
typedef struct {
char *key; /* cache "source#path" this was loaded from */
git_vector rules; /* vector of <rule*> or <fnmatch*> */
git_pool *pool;
bool pool_is_allocated;
union {
git_oid oid;
git_attr_file_stat_sig st;
} cache_data;
} git_attr_file;
typedef struct {
git_buf full;
char *path;
char *basename;
int is_dir;
} git_attr_path;
typedef enum {
} git_attr_file_source;
* git_attr_file API
extern int git_attr_file__new(
git_attr_file **attrs_ptr, git_attr_file_source src, const char *path, git_pool *pool);
extern int git_attr_file__new_and_load(
git_attr_file **attrs_ptr, const char *path);
extern void git_attr_file__free(git_attr_file *file);
extern void git_attr_file__clear_rules(git_attr_file *file);
extern int git_attr_file__parse_buffer(
git_repository *repo, void *parsedata, const char *buf, git_attr_file *file);
extern int git_attr_file__lookup_one(
git_attr_file *file,
const git_attr_path *path,
const char *attr,
const char **value);
/* loop over rules in file from bottom to top */
#define git_attr_file__foreach_matching_rule(file, path, iter, rule) \
git_vector_rforeach(&(file)->rules, (iter), (rule)) \
if (git_attr_rule__match((rule), (path)))
extern uint32_t git_attr_file__name_hash(const char *name);
* other utilities
extern int git_attr_fnmatch__parse(
git_attr_fnmatch *spec,
git_pool *pool,
const char *source,
const char **base);
extern bool git_attr_fnmatch__match(
git_attr_fnmatch *rule,
const git_attr_path *path);
extern void git_attr_rule__free(git_attr_rule *rule);
extern bool git_attr_rule__match(
git_attr_rule *rule,
const git_attr_path *path);
extern git_attr_assignment *git_attr_rule__lookup_assignment(
git_attr_rule *rule, const char *name);
extern int git_attr_path__init(
git_attr_path *info, const char *path, const char *base);
extern void git_attr_path__free(git_attr_path *info);
extern int git_attr_assignment__parse(
git_repository *repo, /* needed to expand macros */
git_pool *pool,
git_vector *assigns,
const char **scan);