Hash :
Author :
Date :
reflog: Fix reflog writer/reader - Use a space to separate oids and signature - Enforce test coverage - Make test run in a temporary folder in order not to alter the test repository
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* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
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* the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled
* version of this file into combinations with other programs,
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#include "common.h"
#include "commit.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "signature.h"
#include "git2/object.h"
#include "git2/repository.h"
#include "git2/signature.h"
void git_tag__free(git_tag *tag)
const git_oid *git_tag_id(git_tag *c)
return git_object_id((git_object *)c);
int git_tag_target(git_object **target, git_tag *t)
return git_object_lookup(target, t->object.repo, &t->target, t->type);
const git_oid *git_tag_target_oid(git_tag *t)
return &t->target;
git_otype git_tag_type(git_tag *t)
return t->type;
const char *git_tag_name(git_tag *t)
return t->tag_name;
const git_signature *git_tag_tagger(git_tag *t)
return t->tagger;
const char *git_tag_message(git_tag *t)
return t->message;
static int parse_tag_buffer(git_tag *tag, const char *buffer, const char *buffer_end)
static const char *tag_types[] = {
NULL, "commit\n", "tree\n", "blob\n", "tag\n"
unsigned int i, text_len;
char *search;
int error;
if ((error = git_oid__parse(&tag->target, &buffer, buffer_end, "object ")) < 0)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to parse tag. Object field invalid");
if (buffer + 5 >= buffer_end)
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. Object too short");
if (memcmp(buffer, "type ", 5) != 0)
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. Type field not found");
buffer += 5;
tag->type = GIT_OBJ_BAD;
for (i = 1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(tag_types); ++i) {
size_t type_length = strlen(tag_types[i]);
if (buffer + type_length >= buffer_end)
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. Object too short");
if (memcmp(buffer, tag_types[i], type_length) == 0) {
tag->type = i;
buffer += type_length;
if (tag->type == GIT_OBJ_BAD)
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. Invalid object type");
if (buffer + 4 >= buffer_end)
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. Object too short");
if (memcmp(buffer, "tag ", 4) != 0)
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. Tag field not found");
buffer += 4;
search = memchr(buffer, '\n', buffer_end - buffer);
if (search == NULL)
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. Object too short");
text_len = search - buffer;
tag->tag_name = git__malloc(text_len + 1);
if (tag->tag_name == NULL)
return GIT_ENOMEM;
memcpy(tag->tag_name, buffer, text_len);
tag->tag_name[text_len] = '\0';
buffer = search + 1;
tag->tagger = git__malloc(sizeof(git_signature));
if (tag->tagger == NULL)
return GIT_ENOMEM;
if ((error = git_signature__parse(tag->tagger, &buffer, buffer_end, "tagger ", '\n')) != 0) {
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to parse tag");
if( *buffer != '\n' )
return git__throw(GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "Failed to parse tag. No new line before message");
text_len = buffer_end - ++buffer;
tag->message = git__malloc(text_len + 1);
if (tag->message == NULL)
return GIT_ENOMEM;
memcpy(tag->message, buffer, text_len);
tag->message[text_len] = '\0';
static int retreive_tag_reference(git_reference **tag_reference_out, char *ref_name_out, git_repository *repo, const char *tag_name)
git_reference *tag_ref;
int error;
git_path_join(ref_name_out, GIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR, tag_name);
error = git_reference_lookup(&tag_ref, repo, ref_name_out);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to retrieve tag reference");
*tag_reference_out = tag_ref;
int git_tag_create(
git_oid *oid,
git_repository *repo,
const char *tag_name,
const git_object *target,
const git_signature *tagger,
const char *message,
int allow_ref_overwrite)
git_reference *new_ref = NULL;
char ref_name[GIT_REFNAME_MAX];
git_buf tag = GIT_BUF_INIT;
int error, should_update_ref = 0;
if (git_object_owner(target) != repo)
return git__throw(GIT_EINVALIDARGS, "The given target does not belong to this repository");
error = retreive_tag_reference(&new_ref, ref_name, repo, tag_name);
switch (error) {
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
/** Ensure the tag name doesn't conflict with an already existing
* reference unless overwriting has explictly been requested **/
if (new_ref != NULL) {
if (!allow_ref_overwrite) {
git_oid_cpy(oid, git_reference_oid(new_ref));
return git__throw(GIT_EEXISTS, "Tag already exists");
} else {
should_update_ref = 1;
git_oid__writebuf(&tag, "object ", git_object_id(target));
git_buf_printf(&tag, "type %s\n", git_object_type2string(git_object_type(target)));
git_buf_printf(&tag, "tag %s\n", tag_name);
git_signature__writebuf(&tag, "tagger ", tagger);
git_buf_putc(&tag, '\n');
git_buf_puts(&tag, message);
if (git_buf_oom(&tag)) {
return git__throw(GIT_ENOMEM, "Not enough memory to build the tag data");
error = git_odb_write(oid, git_repository_database(repo), tag.ptr, tag.size, GIT_OBJ_TAG);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
if (!should_update_ref)
error = git_reference_create_oid(&new_ref, repo, ref_name, oid, 0);
error = git_reference_set_oid(new_ref, oid);
return error == GIT_SUCCESS ? GIT_SUCCESS : git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
int git_tag_create_frombuffer(git_oid *oid, git_repository *repo, const char *buffer, int allow_ref_overwrite)
git_tag tag;
int error, should_update_ref = 0;
git_odb_stream *stream;
git_odb_object *target_obj;
git_reference *new_ref;
char ref_name[GIT_REFNAME_MAX];
assert(oid && buffer);
memset(&tag, 0, sizeof(tag));
/* validate the buffer */
if ((error = parse_tag_buffer(&tag, buffer, buffer + strlen(buffer))) < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
/* validate the target */
if ((error = git_odb_read(&target_obj, repo->db, &tag.target)) < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
if (tag.type != target_obj->raw.type)
return git__throw(error, "The type for the given target is invalid");
error = retreive_tag_reference(&new_ref, ref_name, repo, tag.tag_name);
switch (error) {
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
/** Ensure the tag name doesn't conflict with an already existing
* reference unless overwriting has explictly been requested **/
if (new_ref != NULL) {
if (!allow_ref_overwrite) {
git_oid_cpy(oid, git_reference_oid(new_ref));
return git__throw(GIT_EEXISTS, "Tag already exists");
} else {
should_update_ref = 1;
/* write the buffer */
if ((error = git_odb_open_wstream(&stream, repo->db, strlen(buffer), GIT_OBJ_TAG)) < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
stream->write(stream, buffer, strlen(buffer));
error = stream->finalize_write(oid, stream);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
if (!should_update_ref)
error = git_reference_create_oid(&new_ref, repo, ref_name, oid, 0);
error = git_reference_set_oid(new_ref, oid);
return error == GIT_SUCCESS ? GIT_SUCCESS : git__rethrow(error, "Failed to create tag");
int git_tag_delete(git_repository *repo, const char *tag_name)
int error;
git_reference *tag_ref;
char ref_name[GIT_REFNAME_MAX];
error = retreive_tag_reference(&tag_ref, ref_name, repo, tag_name);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS)
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to delete tag");
return git_reference_delete(tag_ref);
int git_tag__parse(git_tag *tag, git_odb_object *obj)
return parse_tag_buffer(tag, obj->raw.data, (char *)obj->raw.data + obj->raw.len);
typedef struct {
git_vector *taglist;
const char *pattern;
} tag_filter_data;
static int tag_list_cb(const char *tag_name, void *payload)
tag_filter_data *filter;
if (git__prefixcmp(tag_name, GIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR) != 0)
filter = (tag_filter_data *)payload;
if (!*filter->pattern || p_fnmatch(filter->pattern, tag_name + GIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR_LEN, 0) == GIT_SUCCESS)
return git_vector_insert(filter->taglist, git__strdup(tag_name));
int git_tag_list_match(git_strarray *tag_names, const char *pattern, git_repository *repo)
int error;
tag_filter_data filter;
git_vector taglist;
assert(tag_names && repo && pattern);
if (git_vector_init(&taglist, 8, NULL) < GIT_SUCCESS)
return GIT_ENOMEM;
filter.taglist = &taglist;
filter.pattern = pattern;
error = git_reference_foreach(repo, GIT_REF_OID|GIT_REF_PACKED, &tag_list_cb, (void *)&filter);
if (error < GIT_SUCCESS) {
return git__rethrow(error, "Failed to list tags");
tag_names->strings = (char **)taglist.contents;
tag_names->count = taglist.length;
int git_tag_list(git_strarray *tag_names, git_repository *repo)
return git_tag_list_match(tag_names, "", repo);