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Correct indentation in git/odb.h Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
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#ifndef INCLUDE_git_odb_h__
#define INCLUDE_git_odb_h__
#include "git/common.h"
#include "git/oid.h"
* @file git/odb.h
* @brief Git object database routines
* @defgroup git_odb Git object database routines
* @ingroup Git
* @{
/** An open object database handle. */
typedef struct git_odb git_odb;
* Open an object database for read/write access.
* @param out location to store the database pointer, if opened.
* Set to NULL if the open failed.
* @param objects_dir path of the database's "objects" directory.
* @return GIT_SUCCESS if the database opened; otherwise an error
* code describing why the open was not possible.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_open(git_odb **out, const char *objects_dir);
* Close an open object database.
* @param db database pointer to close. If NULL no action is taken.
* The pointer is set to NULL when the close is completed.
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_odb_close(git_odb **db);
/** Basic type (loose or packed) of any Git object. */
typedef enum {
GIT_OBJ_BAD = -1, /**< Object is invalid. */
GIT_OBJ__EXT1 = 0, /**< Reserved for future use. */
GIT_OBJ_COMMIT = 1, /**< A commit object. */
GIT_OBJ_TREE = 2, /**< A tree (directory listing) object. */
GIT_OBJ_BLOB = 3, /**< A file revision object. */
GIT_OBJ_TAG = 4, /**< An annotated tag object. */
GIT_OBJ__EXT2 = 5, /**< Reserved for future use. */
GIT_OBJ_OFS_DELTA = 6, /**< A delta, base is given by an offset. */
GIT_OBJ_REF_DELTA = 7, /**< A delta, base is given by object id. */
} git_otype;
/** A small object read from the database. */
typedef struct {
void *data; /**< Raw, decompressed object data. */
size_t len; /**< Total number of bytes in data. */
git_otype type; /**< Type of this object. */
} git_sobj;
* Read a small object from the database.
* If GIT_ENOTFOUND then out->data is set to NULL.
* @param out object descriptor to populate upon reading.
* @param db database to search for the object in.
* @param id identity of the object to read.
* @return
* - GIT_SUCCESS if the object was read;
* - GIT_ENOTFOUND if the object is not in the database.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb_read(git_sobj *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id);
* Read a small object from the database using only pack files.
* If GIT_ENOTFOUND then out->data is set to NULL.
* @param out object descriptor to populate upon reading.
* @param db database to search for the object in.
* @param id identity of the object to read.
* @return
* - GIT_SUCCESS if the object was read.
* - GIT_ENOTFOUND if the object is not in the database.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb__read_packed(git_sobj *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id);
* Read a small object from the database using only loose object files.
* If GIT_ENOTFOUND then out->data is set to NULL.
* @param out object descriptor to populate upon reading.
* @param db database to search for the object in.
* @param id identity of the object to read.
* @return
* - GIT_SUCCESS if the object was read.
* - GIT_ENOTFOUND if the object is not in the database.
GIT_EXTERN(int) git_odb__read_loose(git_sobj *out, git_odb *db, const git_oid *id);
* Release all memory used by the sobj structure.
* As a result of this call, obj->data will be set to NULL.
* If obj->data is already NULL, nothing happens.
* @param obj object descriptor to free.
GIT_EXTERN(void) git_sobj_close(git_sobj *obj);
/** @} */